
Jun 23, 2006 13:42

So, my bank has this advertisment about "keep in touch with your money" that has to do with cell phone updates about your account, right? But I'm thinking, I don't want my money calling me. All it would have to say is, "So long, sucker!"

Tonight is the big-screen showing of Serenity in Addison for Equality Now. I'm taking Will and meeting up with kaytee4ever, texanelf, and I think m2wild, whom I haven't seen since . . . the last time I went to Revelcon, I think. Which hasn't been any time recently, let me tell you. Will be good to see them all, especially as texanelf is leaving us for the wilds of . . . er, my geography sucks. Somewhere not here. Being old, I plan to nap before going, b/c the thing *starts* at midnight and it's gotta be at least an hour's drive, so we won't even be back until probably 3-ish. I'm going to get Will to lie down, too, although I don't know if he'll sleep any.

Am picking away at SPN zine story, which for some reason is really hard for me to concentrate on. Not because it's SPN or for a zine, but because it's writing and I am lazy. Even so, the deadline is looming. Even more so with the looming is the deadline for the original ficathon, so I need to get cracking on that one, too.

Brother John has moved himself in, although his stuff has yet to follow. It's requiring a bit of adjustment for Will, who is having some difficulty not being noisy when John is sleeping. Hopefully this will get better.

Have been following the msscribe saga as if it were a soap opera. Sadly, it's not fictional for the people involved, who seem to have experienced a lot of hurting others/being hurt. It boggles me that people in general were that *serious* about their fandom lives that they couldn't see how wrong the whole situation was, including the behavior of many of the people involved. How did they have that much energy to devote to hating each other? And that's not even thinking about msscribe, who seriously needed to take up knitting or something to use up some of that spare time. (And, honest to god, *pairing* wars? The collective HP fandom somehow managed to miss the fact that they were not JKR and had no say in how any pairing (or lack thereof) ended up? This is one place where being a slash fan might have come in handy; one gets used to the idea that canon often doesn't reflect one's pairing and that it doesn't matter. Um, not that slash fans don't jump their own sharks from time to time.)

Anyway, screwy, screwy dealings.

In conclusion, was it just me, or did Becky give Dean some weird story about being out walking and the shapeshifter grabbing her instead of being in her apartment? Either I misheard something, I *missed* something, she was being sarcastic, or there was an oops in the script/filming. And also, this might just be me, but Becky looked a whole lot older than Sam to me. Like, old enough not to be anywhere near him in college, year-wise.

writing, dumbass, social, serenity, supernatural, television

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