I still swear, the point where the long-since dying/suffering genre of punk flatlined was the emergence of the supreme evil known to us as 'aggressive skating'. Suddenly any fat, out of shape, pansy could walk into a skatepark and at least ride the ramps. They fuct it up for the stunt bikers, man. Especially here, when that arrogant prick Arlo Eisenburg (team rollerblade) opened up a skate park and forced the cool skate park here, Rapid Revolutions, a refuge for myself and my fellow stuntbikers out of business. He has horrid rap metal bands playing every night and overcrowded small ramps on which you can do nothing. He has disallowed bikes from the street course except for in the early hours of the morning and raised the cost of riding a bike there to completely unaffordable. What's worse is California -- where Fruit booters have now made it ILLEGAL to ride bikes in public skateparks. Worse yet, that mindset has begun to sweep the nation. Thanks to those fools we're now a dying breed.
I remember back when people responded to the word OI! With a big smile right before they tackled you.&nbswp; Now most punks will respond with, "vey." I'm not a fukken Jew. Damn neo-punks.
I remember back when people responded to the word OI! With a big smile right before they tackled you.&nbswp; Now most punks will respond with, "vey." I'm not a fukken Jew. Damn neo-punks.
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