Sort of Break Post #4

Sep 25, 2009 13:41

You know, I watch the abandonedplaces comm because watching the way urban decay works interests me, but there was a link to a short slideshow of abandoned places in Detroit. The opening paragraph of this slideshow talks about how most people (US-based of course, but I'm sure it spills over) grow up with some knowledge of abandoned properties. Which is really weird to me, since I've only know of, what, five properties that were abandoned maybe? Ignoring, of course, the off-limits CTrain tunnel under City Hall that's bricked up and completely inaccessible or the brewery which I've been told is abandoned but I'm not even sure if I've seen it. There's one boarded-up house on Center St., one on Edmonton Trail, the houses in the Stampede Park expansion most of which have been bulldozed, a church that was empty for at least a few days but now has renos going on, and one house right across the overpass that's also being renovated. Calgary just doesn't do abandoned property. There is one building downtown that my dad claimed was supposed to be bulldozed that may still be there, but who knows? I think land values here are just too high for anything to be left standing, even in "this market". Which is in quotes since honestly? there hasn't been much of a change in the economy since the US finally tanked itself. Heck, I got a job in that period where everyone was being all 'oh noes we're all losing our jobs' at a used bookstore. Partially, it's because Alberta, and especially Calgary, runs on oil productions, so one day we'll all wake up to find out that there is no economy here since oil has completely crashed, but until then, Alberta's going to be staying fairly stable. I wonder if I'm just fascinated by urban decay because there's none of it here?

I wrote that last night. <<; It was on my mind.

Um. After a lot of shuffling I think I have a ride to my SAR meeting. And by shuffling I mean Dad first saying that he likely wouldn't be going and now he is so. Yeah.

Oh yes. I remember what I wanted to write about. It's possible that anyone reading this journal has noticed that aside from a few references to my city, I generally don't give specific names or places in this thing. This is mostly because I try to keep my real life persona and my internet personas as far apart as possible, and the only places they really clash are here in this journal and my email. Also, I'm paranoid, and don't want someone to steal information from this thing to stalk and/or impersonate me. Anyway, that's why I go with nicknames for most people and keep referring obliquely to things.

And I suppose I should eventually implement tags but I dunt wanna. Oh well. I should at least tag my icons so I can find them again.

Back to trying to teach myself D'ni script.

EDIT: Apparently my journal believes I posted this last night. Sigh.
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