Sep 23, 2009 13:22
Gee, I'm doing well, it took me a half hour to remember I was supposed to be posting.
Then again, I've spent a good portion of my ARHI class and everything after reading Wiki. I was originally comparing my teacher's interpretation (ie completely incorrect knowledge) of the Ancient Egyptian soul to what Wiki at least said (he's disregarding at least two more important portions), and then looked at the Damnatio memoriae article, which led to me reading about Domitan and some guy who burnt down one of the Ancient Wonders of the World so his name'd be remembered through history, and then moved onto Pharoahs so I'm reading about Egyptian sculpture again. I need to stop doing that.
Finished Revelation. I have suprisingly little to say. The only think I really noticed had nothing to do with Revelation, but with the Exile Main Theme. The Chorus repeats the names of the Ages in the game (including Tomahna where the start and end cutscenes take place, but not Releeshahn which is the one the Stranger is retrieving), but in a later section they only have four names, so they drop the hub Age J'nanin and Voltaic. Which is kind of weird since I'd think J'nanin is more relevant than Amateria or Edanna. Voltaic kind of is annoying so I don't care about it. Actually, I like Amateria the best, even with crazy roller coaster rides you design yourself.
Anyway, back to Wiki. I was reading about Domitian, who I know I've heard about before but can't remember where. Apparently, Domitian is the only Roman emperor whose name was supposed to be erased from history, but it failed miserably. They did manage to paint him quite badly to history, enough that essentially only modern historians have figured out anything about him that might be true, and even that's iffy.
Then I ended up reading about Akhenaten, who we should be hitting in ARHI, otherwise he's leaving out a portion of Egyptian art where things actually did change, and then Hatshepsut since apparently they "recently" discovered her mummy, but I haven't reached that yet since I got distracted by obelisks and trying to find a picture of the standing once since it's the tallest standing obelisk from antiquity. Haven't found one yet.
I'm kind of tempted to see if I can find an Egyptian costume for Jean's Myth party, but I'm worried that I'd freeze. Maybe I should try for a yuki-onna instead. Or go look up more Japanese mythological creatures. Or just wait on my ARKY class to bring up something interesting.
And I'm still trying to figure out what the parameters are for when Notepad saves and backs up the typing cursor some. It doesn't always, and it never seems to be the same amount, so yeah.
And, two classes later, I'm still reading Wiki and have moved onto Irish things. Sigh.
Later: It is entirely too hot out, an ant colony in our front yard is shedding flying ants, and the tree in our living room just dropped a branch on my laptop. I have no idea what to think about this sequence of events.