So I've written fic, written meta, and seen the movie twice, and I've finally gotten down to writing my huge AWE review. And why, yes, I'm the biggest procrastinator this side of the Equator. Here be spoilers, obviously! And I'm leaving this entry public in case anyone else happens to stumble across it, and wants to take me up on some things.
Long Review? HECK YEAH. )
Yes, Nazi parallels! I've seen something like that in so many films. And yes - the movie just kind of shoved you right in there with the death and the singing the OMG THINK OF THE CHILDREN. Is it the same actor? They did both have very girly hair! ...Things must get very confusing in that family with three Will Turners. ;D
I wanted explosions and violence and heroics! That's the Commodore I know! Or at least have Jones take him out, rather than Bootstrap Bill.
She can! I really do like her. She's probably one of my favourite actresses, and anyone saying she can't act at all needs to watch that scene again plz thx.
Barbossa was just generally pwn. I missed him SO much in DMC, and this just added to his character. Like the babytalk scene, yes! That was amazing. I could hardly believe it was happening.
...And no, I didn't get it either. At first I thought there must be something vaguely sexual behind it, but I got nothing. I think it was just Depp going, "hai guys, wouldn't it be cool if I had a PEANUT?" O.o
The most blaringly obvious one is in The Lion King, ironically. But, yeah, it was a bit much. And I'm, like, 99% sure it's the same actor! I shall have to IMBD it! Some day! When I get off my lazy ass! Yes!
I was really hoping he was gonna kill Beckett, actually, but Beckett being the bastard that he, well, is, stabbing James first or something. It's two birds with one stone for the script writers, and it cuts two scenes into one, which works for time issues. Yeah.
I like her now! I've always been a bit apathetic, but the dad scene just sold it, for me. She's just been getting bad parts, methinks, where her character has maybe one emotion throughout the entire film.
Yeah, I spend the first ten seconds of his babytalk scene in shock, like, 'what is going on Oo;?!' and then just sat back and enjoyed it. Such pwn.
I can totally see that. Didn't he do the same thing with the eyeliner in CotBP? 'Tis a pattern, I tell you.
I would have just rather anything had happened instead of what did, which was rather "blah blah WHOOPS, YOU'RE DEAD JAMES."
I remember I did see one film she was really good in ages ago - The Hole, I think it was? She was only 15 then but she was amazing and did a topless scene, the SCANDAL!1
He did! And the gold teeth! He's a little bit funny up there, I think, but that's why we love him. xD
It was pretty much exactly that. I was pretty much expecting Bootstrap to say something like "WHOOPS I KILLED THE ADMIRAL" Which brings up another question; wouldn't Beckett be even slightly irked that someone'd killed his admiral? There better be deleted scenes about this shit, srsly.
I'll have to procrastinate about seeing it, then. It's on the list with 'Great Escape', now.
Yeah, it's kinda implied he's not all there in the head, which makes me ♥ him. It seems the criteria for pirate captian in the PotC universe is to be a wee bit crazy?
That's a really good question. I mean, after he's dead? Nobody ever even talks about him again. I don't think Elizabeth even told the others he was dead. WTF is up with that?
I think the criteria is a wee bit crazy and insanely attractive (especially in Barbossa's case). xD
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