So I've written fic, written meta, and seen the movie twice, and I've finally gotten down to writing my huge AWE review. And why, yes, I'm the biggest procrastinator this side of the Equator. Here be spoilers, obviously! And I'm leaving this entry public in case anyone else happens to stumble across it, and wants to take me up on some things.
Long Review? HECK YEAH. )
-Quick nitpick--after looking at screencaps, that isn't Groves. It's a different officer, of whom it is, I don't know. IMBD doesn't have him--or if they do, they don't have his picture. Groves is the one a little later that goes and talks to Beckett, right before the kid hangs. Though I agree, I really, really liked that woman, even if I have no idea who she is. xD
-People thought the Singapore scene was too long? Really? I loved it. Especially the part with all the guns and Ragetti's peering. I lol'd.
-...And the breaking the toe joke was not funny, just gross. >.> Ya rly D: Was not funny at all. Just ew-ful.
-But his death. How he was killed. I. Am. Not. Happy. I feel cheated, and to be quite frank this is the part of the movie I hate the most. Completely and totally agree. I am so not happy with this part, and I feel that they've partially seemed to make the Navyboys expendable. I am not pleased with this in any way, shape or form--there's no sort of closure. It's just like "oh, *stab* sorry, you're dead." and for fuck's sake, isn't he supposed to be an excellent swordsman? He should've been able to kick Bill's arse. It's the one thing in the movie that constantly bothers me. I had a really strong feeling he was going to die, as much as I wanted to believe he wouldn't, I wasn't that hopeful. But seriously, they could've at least given him some sort of kick-ass death. That would've been extremely shiny. But nope. a;ldfhslhfRAWR! *fangirly rage*
- I have officially pegged Rags as a romantic. Totally and completely. He's all kinds of adorable. At first I thought the "lover" thing wouldn't work, but when he started to talk I went "Yup, that'll do it".
-evil, snarky Will? Drinking tea? I was just dying of laughter during that whole scene. And the "I wasn't finished with that"---I just died. He was hilarious.
-And the wedding? Cheesy? Yes. But the right kind of cheese. Adored it. Ditto, again. The wedding was utter brilliance, and it was just the perfect way for the two of them to get married. Will's "8D" face was all kinds of adorable
-Here comes Beckett's comeuppance. Nice to see Groves doing the smart thing and making a very neat dive out of the way before he can come to harm. During that whole time Groves is shouting like "order, sir?!" I was just thinking "LEAVE THE SQUAT LITTLE BASTARD! HE'S NOT WORTH IT, GROVES D:"
=As for Beckett himself... apparently he has a magical ability to dodge flying debris? I kept waiting for him to get hit and knocked unconscious by a chunk of banister. xD I thought it was cool, but at the same time, I was like " All that debris and he hasn't even gotten a splinter yet. wtf?"
-"We only wants the Prrrreciousss, for it's just good businessssss?" .....*JUST DIED FROM LAUGHTER NOW KTHNX*...ohgod I will never be able to look at Beckett the same way again. xD
-the ending was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful, and oh so POTC. that is all I have to say.
I laughed at the peering, and all the ten-year-old boys in the cinema went "ewww". And then that was reversed for the toe scene. Different types of humour, I suppose. xP
Rarrrrrg, I know! In the first movie the Navyboys were the good guys! We were cheering them all the way! And here suddenly they're cannon fodder? Not. On. They're only trying to do their job, which is to protect law-abiding citizens! And I want to write fic where Norrington goes out with a bang. Or, you know, doesn't die at all.
Rags was adorable. I met Mackenzie Crook one time, and he's just like that in real life - really, really sweet and shy and OMGSQUEE! I was so glad to see him carving out a new eyeball at the end - the eye patch just wasn't the same.
And Will was also adorable. Orlando's come a long way acting wise, I didn't think he was wooden at all. He could be evil, he could drink tea, he could be 8D, and his death scene killed me. So much love.
I was like "JUMP GROVES JUMP!" And boy, did he jump! The screencaps I have of that scene are so funny - one second he's in the picture and the next he's just gone. xD
AHAHA, it's because Beckett clearly has super powers! :D
I love the ending - both the main ending, and the post-credits scene. Everything just as it should be, and think of the fanfiction possibilities! It's perfectly Pirates. ♥
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