[IC] Summer Days (Language, sexual suggestion, fluff) [RP Log - LONG!]

Jul 23, 2010 16:45

With Penny lectured and El assured he wasn't going to go anywhere, it's a beeline for the portal to the Blasted Lands and through the Dark Portal. Sure, he could go through Dalaran, but the less interruptions, the better. And nothing quite beat a relaxing flight, even in Outland. It's mid-morning by the time Kae actually manages to arrive home in Nagrand, making his way right to the bedroom to unpack, then to the bathroom to wash and get into a change of clothes, as well as make sure he's following Havoc's instructions. Once he's finally settled, shirtless, barefoot, and in a pair of loose silk pants, Kae pads back out to the front door and outside to streeeetch. Hrf. Now where did Khaav wander off to? First place to check: The garden.

And here khaavren walks among the grape vines, shirtless, barefoot, his hands on his grapes gentle as a lover's as he peers under grape leaves to each cluster - he tastes a grape from a ripe bunch, and frowns as he concentrates on the tannins. this bunch he cuts, laying it in the basket, next he leaves on the vine. Kae picked an excellent time to come home to Nagrand - or a terrible one, depending on the beholder. The vintage had begun - long days of harvesting, rinsing, and then crushing. Khaav might be convinced to leave the farm if it were on fire, but probably not.

Not but a few rows down, in a similar state of undress, their warlock helps out as well. He doesn't have Khaavren's eye for what's best as far as winemaking goes but there are other skills he brings to the table, as it were: a keen sense of scent, intimate knowledge of plantlife, and the ability to feel the life flowing through the vines themselves. In their own ways they each let the grapes tell them whether they're ready or not. He sings in imitation of birdsong as they work.

And here sits Kae with about a scrap of talent in him to tend plants or taste for what is best for wine! He'll make himself useful somehow, though, even if it's just being good company. "Up early, loves?" Nevermind it's not exactly early. Slinking up to Khaavren, he tests to see just how much he'll get swatted for trying to pluck a grape from the basket to nibble on..

Khaavren smiles and steals a kiss. "This is a good hour for a vintage. This...kae, the grapes, even this early I can taste it - i have the chance to make some very, very good wine this year."

"Hey love," Ori chirps in greeting. He ducks low to grin at his lovers beneath curtains of grapes and copper hair. "It's g-going to be superb, whether he f-fe-feeds the yeast with cane sugar or that skethyl honey."

Khaavren says, "The honey, i think. because it should be everything grown here, raised here."

All too happy to give that kiss, Kae rumbles happily under his breath. "Ev'rythin' you make s' th' best, beaut'ful. But 'll take yer word for it, yeah?" Tilting his head to peer at the ducking warlock, he smirks and sidles over that way to reach under the grapevines to tweak his nose. "Anythin' I kin do t' help? I kin... uh... carry th' baskets?" That's... helpful! Right?

"Carry the baskets, and if you like, I can show you how i decide a cluster is ripe enough to pick...and i should have second opinions on the balance in the grape's flavor," khaavren grins. "We're nearly done harvesting, so then we press... and you can wash your feet and jump on grapes.' A squeak of protest and a playful snapping of teeth follows that nose-tweaking. "That w-would help immensely," Ori grins, stealing a kiss of his own. "Less, l-less fe-feedback that way." He foists his basket off on Kae and sneaks another kiss.

"/Sweet/!" Oh yes, Kae -loves- the idea of jumping on grapes! That is most certainly something the teeny rogue is sure to be talented in. Bouncing around in a mess of fruit. "Y'gonna lick me off when w're done~?" Grinning into that second kiss as he takes Ori's basket, Kae then takes to following their warlock around like a good boy. Smirking up at Khaav, he nods. "Y'kin show me, but fuck 'f I'm gonna r'member. Ori tried showin' me how t' plant seeds once an' I don' r'member shit."

"ori does it with his plant-sense. and he's good. I bet i've picked some that he wouldhave left for later. but. This dusty colour, all the grapes near to the same colour, firm but not hard, they should have a little give. and then pick one to taste...if it's too unripe, it'll curl your tongue," khaavren says. "So i go by if the cluster looks pretty, and if it tastes sweet."

"S-so ba, basic-c-cally if they taste like th-they'd be on the table, they're ready to be made into wine." He stalls about handling the next bunch on the row; tutting quietly, he guides a vibrant, spindly spider into his hand and deposits it in the leaves not far away. The thing's half the size of the hand holding it. Gentle puffs of breath encourage it to crawl off his palm, and as soon as it's moved on he begins humming again, bare feet tapping out a rhythm in the soil, and the song picks up once more.

Kae gets a cheeky little grin as he teases, "So s'at mean yer ripe f'r pickin', baby?" Whaaaat, you really expected him to pass that up? Looks good, tastes sweet, he'd call Khaav qualified to meet those requirements! When Ori handles the spider, though, Kae makes a startled noise and dances back a couple steps. HUGE SPIDER! Oh Light. Once it's moved on, though, he eyes that spot warily and sticks closer to Ori. Someone doesn't like spiders. "Shit, I kin deal wi' th' big hairy ones, bu' those spindly thin's gimme th' fuckin' creeps."

Khaavren says, "I love them in my grapevines. They help keep insect pests down. i kick them out of the house though. plenty of garden for them to earn their keep."

Bright laughter interrupts song, and Ori wiggle-dances his fingers up Kae's shoulders. "The l-larger ones' bites hurt like the dickens b-but their venom isn't much to w-worry about." He holds a palm up: where do you think those scars came from? They aren't _all_ from thorns.... Teasing aside, he kisses Kae's forehead and neck to soothe him. "Don't w-worry, I make sure they d-don't get into the basket."

"Tch, I thin' yer makin' me carry this jes' so I can' smack you." Kae leans to try and playbite those fingers before he settles in to follow again. "Better no' be spiders in 'ere."

"Can't do their job in the basket,' khaavren agrees. "but if you find one you can spank him."

"I d-don't anticipate much spanking, then," Oriseus sighs in disappointment. "S-suppose that ju-jus- just means I'll have to find another way to earn it, eh Khaavy?"

"You'll trump up an excuse, i'm sure!" khaavren laughs and makes his way out of the row. "lunch, while the grapes have a little time in a bath?"

"Oh m' sure I'll have y' o'er m'knee by th' time th' sun's settin', baby." Sticking his tongue out at Ori, he follows along lazily, watching them work and trying to see if he can't pick out which ones they're going to take before they do. At least until Khaav announced lunch. Perking up, Kae all but bounces after him. Trying not to trample Ori, honest! "Yes!"

No worries about that. The warlock's got his head in the clouds, practically dancing while he sings in bright but quiet tones. He doesn't respond with words, but with actions, following along with swaying steps.

Khaavren leads the way to a larger tub, tipping the grapes inside, and leads them to the kitchen. "Want to grill?"

Puttering along in Khaav's wake, Kae peers over the side of the tub before he carefully dumps his own basketful into it, setting the basket with Khaav's and following again to the kitchen, merrily holding onto the end of their paladin's braid on the way. "Grillin' soun's good. Wha's on th' menu t'day?"

He can't help but grin at the sight of them. Their connection is open here, albeit muted, and his amused affection for them is a palpable thing. "Should m-make it light, nothing too heavy," he murmurs whilst stretching his arms up over his head. "Kabobs if y-you ask me. Maybe...maybe j-just a little talbuk in w-with them? And mango, that grills so n-nicely!" The warlock finishes stretching out once they reach the kitchen.

Khaavren says, "Kabobs, I hoped you were going to say that. There's a little talbuk...We could make something good. A salad?"

Kae blinks, and -looks- over at Ori, ears perked. Talbuk? Waaait. But that-- Khaav doesn't react to it, though, and while Kae is surprised by the request, the surprise is mingled with a bit of -glee-. He loves talbuk, after all, and while he'll gladly not eat red meat around Ori, the chance to do so is most certainly welcome. "I'll help cut stuff up!" He's good at cutting things, they've at least figured that much out in terms of Kae's domestic skills in the kitchen.

"Good, plenty of stuff for you to cut up..." khaavren pulls things from baskets, cupboards, cold storage... and oh look there, -talbuk steaks.- "Cubes, two thumbs thick...i'll make a sauce, hm? then we'll do skewers with mangoes, those'll be good."
Khaavren's polite act of ignoring it, and Kae's open shock, are both equally noted and expected. The tiniest of smiles (perhaps bitter, or self-effacing) tugs at his lips. On the other hand he does kind of blanch and look away from the steaks Khaav pulls out. (I can do this. Focus on the darkness of the flesh, the gamey scent. It's alright.) "A li-l-little thinner f-for mine maybe?" Ori gives them a broader grin, shaky though it might be, and fetches vegetables and fruit for Kae to have at.

"Small bits f'r you, love." Leaning over as Ori returns with fruits and veggies, the little rogue presses a soothing kiss to his lover's lips. Proud of you. Just trying is more than good enough for him. Washing his hands, he takes his favored kitchen knives and sets to slicing up those steaks first. The sooner they don't look like slabs of meat, the easier it should be on poor Ori. Kae holds up a cubed bit of meat to Khaavren for approval of width, but once confirmed he sets right in to slicing things up, cutting Ori's portions thin enough to be much easier to consume, but not so thin as to make cooking them difficult.

Khaav steals another kiss from ori, and pulls up some crawler meat as well, bathing it in a sweetened vinegar with finely minced ginger root, squeezing fresh lemon over the top. a dusting of pepper, and he leaves it to soak up the flavor. "What else, love? Salad?"

Those kiss is such a welcome thing. Their warlock soaks up the reassurance through their lips, allowing himself to be comforted by that soft touch and his lovers' taste. "Sure, w-with a lemon vinaigrette, you th-think?" He sets about pulling together greens for that. Abruptly, in the midst of rinsing a handful of little tomatoes, he stops, stares off, and asks, "Have either of y-you seen Lyr or Bael l-lately?"

Khaavren says, "I...Bael's not here. he--i've been riding with shatarynaku..."

Looking over at Ori as he pipes up randomly with that, Kae shakes his head a bit and looks up at Khaav. Back to Ori, he wonders, "Y'worried 'bout 'em, babe?"

"Not j-just yet," he shrugs. "I mean. They're dragons. They c-come and go as they please. But bet-t-tween Bashkarr's m-missive and Emberdusk b-being a...." He closes his eyes, draws his lips into a taut line. "Well y-you know how he is."

Khaavren says, "I know how he is, love."

Rumbling under his breath, Kae pushes the chopped up meat to the side and washes the knife before starting in on vegetables, slicing them wide enough to be skewered as well. "S' how long 'til you give in an' go in after 'em?"

After a moment of thought, he shrugs. "An-n-nother week at most. It's just. Lyr w-was a ruby watcher before h-he, he was assigned to me. I worry." He fishes about for hard, fragrant cheese to grate into the salad.

"I'm sure that he will understand your worry, love...' khaavren spices, sauces, marinades and drizzles, threading things onto skewers to grill over hot coals - sticks of talbuk, kebabs of crawler meat and vegetables and mango, pure fruit and vegeable skewers.

Finishing up with the last of the fruits and veggies, Kae washes the knife again and puts it away before he cleans up the rest of the cuttingboard and moves to help thread assortments of foodbits onto what skewers Khaav doesn't finish first. "M'sure he's okay, babe."

Lemon juice, wine vinegar that's had rosemary soaking in, pepper, and just the lightest bit of honey: a simple dressing that is, in fact, to die for. He minces a little bit of the drained lemon meat into the salad itself for tartness and texture among the vibrant greens. "Yeah," Ori sighs, "y-you're probably right." But he still worries, because if nothing else Oriseus Lastdawn is a chronic worrier.

"this all looks great," khaavren says. Another set of kisses, and kebabs get laid out on the iron grill, sizzling as soon as they're laid out. "this won't be long."

That song bubbles up from his throat again to soothe and cheer as they finish preparations and the kitchen fills with the scent of cooking meat and plants. Ori finishes things off for the time being with table settings, then hops up on the counter to watch till the kabobs are ready.

Khaavren spends more time kissing ori than he does fussing over kebabs - things do get turned over and cooked properly, but there's plenty of time for kissing!

Light bless food that doesn't need a whole lot of babysitting. Kae soon joins Ori on the counter to cash in on his share of Khaavkisses while the kebabs cook. "Missed this." Murmured quietly to the pair, in that quiet, low tone he only uses for them. Light, he missed this.

The warlock's ears perk for kisses and that tone; a grin, warm and wry, splits his lips. "I've m-missed this too." No sense asking how long it's going to last. It doesn't really matter all that much, compared to having both of them here now.

"We haven't come home enough," khaavren agrees. "i'm glad we're here now."

Ever the oasis of peace in a desert of trouble. At least home remained a sanctuary, one he gladly retreats to. One he wished he'd thought to run to long before now. To Khaav, he grins a bit and teases, "Well we're stuck here 'til all the work in the garden's done, yeah? Hope y'got a head start." Laughing into a warm kiss, he promises with a playful growl, "Cause m'gonna be -very- distractin'."

Snickering, shaking his head, Ori swats Kae's ass on the way to the table. "Y-you say that as if work's ever done," he grins. Let's be honest, though: it's a welcome distraction, and the work here is an equally-welcome change. Clean air, warm sun, life blossoming all around them...they've needed this, all three of them. Who needs Stranglethorn when they have Nagrand?

khaav finds a platter for their kebabs, and brushes the grill down right away, oiling it once more. "okay! let's eat. shall we try some of last year's wine with this too? i have a bottle up here already."

Yelping a bit as his ass gets swatted, Kae jumps and hops a few steps away, rubbing his poor behind. "Mmf! Work's o'errated." But then he's drifting back to Khaav and helps with the kebabs, taking the platter to the table while he deals with the grill. "A glass 'f wine sounds really fuckin' good righ' now, baby." Then he winks at Ori. "Bets on makin' it through lunch this time?"

Khaavren wonders, "making it through lunch before what?"

Kae just gives Khaav a -look-. "... Yer too cute, babe."

Ori laughs and returns the wink. "W-well sorry to disappoint but I'm s-starving, so by d-damn I'm making it th-through come hell or high w-water. And up there that'd have t-to be a LOT of water." Khaav's suggestion of wine gets met with an emphatic nod.

Khaav set the platter of kebabs down next tothe salad and fetches the wine, sniffing it, frowning at how the light passes through the deep ruby colour, tastes it... and then the frown clears out with a nod. "not bad."

"Yeh, I coul' eat a talbuk whole m'self. Jes' seems we don' e'er finish a damn meal." Laughing under his breath, Kae serves up some of the kebabs while Khaav fetches the wine, watching him with some amusement as the wine undergoes its test. "No' bad?"

"Yeah, it'll do," khaavren nods, and pours glasses for them. "Try that." and then he steals some skewers. "I'm going to get some whites chilling too, perfect weather for the late season stuff i did too. Well, i don't think i'll be putting down more than sixty bottles this vintage...unless the late season is more abundant than i think."

No tarrying about: the portions their warlock nabs for himself are sparing, at least compared to Khaav's and Kae's, but respectable. Being good for them...even if he does fiddle around about eating the venison hunks. "C-can you imagine how f-fine these will be in twenty y-years or so? Light, they'll c-come from worlds away for this wine."

Khaavren samples a bit of everything, nodding in approval, but: "Oh ori, the *crawler.* oh it's good."

"When is it not?" he purrs. Then again the diet he's adopted over the past year has reignited his love of invertebrate meat, soft and sweet and utterly non-mammalian as it is. It still takes him a while to get around to the talbuk... but it's gamey enough and spiced enough that he makes it through alright without looking TOO green around the gills.

Khaavren keeps up light chatter - about his plans for the vintage, developing the gardens, how to cope with what's looking like a huge crop of tomatoes and eggplant, things to do when they're not getting khaav's first vintage of the season processed.

Poor Ori. He picks around the meat and Kae digs right into it, snitching for the kebabs that have the most. Omnommeat! +_+ He listens and 'warns' about his utter bad luck with growing things, but Kae is, at the very least, willing to learn and do the grunt work that doesn't involve anything that could harm the plants. Carrying around baskets of them, getting rid of waste, sorting, stuff that doesn't take a whole lot of gardening talent to do. "N' shit, babe, in twen'y years you lot'll rule th' market."

"Hardly," Ori winks, snickering, "but w-we'll certainly be on th-the lips of the well-to-do with the quality of Khaavren's work."

"And yours, I hope. Ori. I want you to decide when to harvest for the next vintage. I think you're a more accurate judge of a grape's readiness...and there is a very good year, out on those vines. Your plant sense, my process, kae's feet!" khaavren tops off everybody's glass.

Laughing at that, Kae waggles a half-eaten kebab at Khaavren, eyes lidded. "Well 'least m' energy's good fer somethin'! Mmm~" Setting the tip of the skewer on the plate, Kae takes his glass to wash down his mouthful, pausing to savor the taste and rumbling  his aproval. A very nice wine indeed.

That's something to drink to. "Oh y-yo-your energy is good f-for plenty, firebird," Ori murmurs. He makes a valiant effort at finishing that talbuk and only winds up offering a single piece to whichever or his lovers can snag it first.

Khaav reaches for it, offers up more grilled crawler. "Turned out good. so. press the grapes?"

"Later," Kae purrs, letting Khaav take the last of Ori's talbuk as Kae leans over to give their warlock a very pleased kiss on the cheek. So proud! Finishing off his kebabs, the rogue licks off his fingers and hmms? at Khaav. "D' I really get t' stomp on 'em?" Oh Light that sounds like SO MUCH FUN.

Such a kid. He leans into Kae's kiss, then grins at the both of them. "W-well of course. I d-d-don't think we have a press yet so f-feet it is. You're g-good at bouncing around an-anyway!"

Khaavren says, "Yes. It's tradition. get them good and squished, and then add the must, and give it a stir or another good dance every day while it ferments."

Yes. He is such a kid, and they all love it. "Kin I do it now~?" Stomping on grapes sounds like fun! Also... it means less getting stuck in the kitchen with the dishes. He doesn't get up yet, though. He's slowly nursing that glass of wine. Mmmmm. Khaav really does make the best.

Well now he laughs outright and reaches over to muss Kae's hair. Ori just shakes his head and beams over at Khaavren. "We'd b-break his heart if we *did* g-get a press, wouldn't we."

"no wine press. this way is way more fun!" khaav's going to have purple feet too. no way is he not getting into that tub to dance on grapes!

Grinning like a fool, Kae ducks away from the mussing and tries to 'comb' his hair back into something resembling, you know... not-mussed hair. "Tch, y'say tha' like y'd -want- one, baby. Don' tell me y'don' wanna go stompin' 'round in grapes yerself, yeah?" C'mooon it'll be fun!

How could he tell them no? (By not actually saying no, that's how!) Their warlock wrinkles his nose and drains the last of his wine. "I l-like playing in the dirt more. How about I g-get you two cleaned up afterward instead?"

Laughing, Kae wrinkles his nose in return and props his bare feet up in Ori's lap to wriggle his toes at him, leering. "Gonna wash m'feet for me 'fore we ge' in, too?"

THWAP! goes an empty kabob stick across the top of Kae's foot! "No feet on the table," he says sharply, "or I shall d-deprive you of your use of them." Despite the schoolmarmish tone he's fighting a losing battle against a grin. "And at that," He leers back, "I'd b-be more than happy to tie you to a chair and wash y-your feet quite thoroughly."

"OWfuck! They ain' on th' fuckin' table!" Still, he reflexively jerks his foot back and stuffs the other up against Ori's stomach. Meanie!

Ori looks down at the foot grinding into what little belly he has, purses his lips...and looks back up at Kae with a terrible, Grinchy little smirk as his hands slooooowwwwwly head for Kae's feet.

Tempting fate, perhaps, Kae wiiiiiiggles his toes against their warlock's tummy. Ohai. :3c

Ohhhh he asked for it. He BEGGED for it. "Sorry, Khaav," he chirps, and GRABS for Kae's feet with full intent of tickling him right out of his chair and then some.

"oh he deserves it," khaavreplies, but he's swiping the wineglasses out of the way anyhow.

Kae SQUEAKS and squirkms and writhes and does indeed wiggle and laugh himself right out of the chair. "KHAAV HELP!"

"He j-just said you deserve it, brat!" Ori cackles. The attack is relentless, his grip ironclad, and by the time Kae's begging for mercy their warlock is sitting atop him - laughng like a loon himself - and bending down to silence those noises of protest with kisses. "N-next time I'll have Khaavren hold y-you down for it!"

Poor Kae. He's on his back with an Ori atop him and he can't -breathe-. His face hurts and his sides hurt and he's laughing so hard he's in tears but he wouldn't have it any other way as he returns those kisses between gasping gulps of air. Hrf. "F-fuckin'... heh... Light, m'gon-- gonna getcha back onna 'ese... onna 'ese days..."

"Hell yes," Khaavren drawls. not a lot of dishes to wash, and he's got it under control, most of the dishes drp drying before the ticklefight's even gotten to kissing. "I suggest spankings. A suitable revenge!"

"Thus we c-c-come full circle." The grin Oriseus shoots Khaavren is triumphant, the wink full of mischief, and altogether he glows with mirth and affection. What *did* he do to deserve these two?

Kae just snorts under his breath at the threat of spankings and reaches up to hook a finger in that new phoenix ring to tug gently until Ori leans back down for another kiss. Letting him go then, he sprawls on the floor and looks up at Khaav with a lazy grin. "Start spankin' me an' w'll ne'er get those grapes squished, babe."

"Then we had better, since the grapes need squishing! Come on," khaavren laughs, and heads out the door to pull grapes off the larger stems and into the press vat, already cleaning his feet in the washtub.

Ori slides down, blows a raspberry on the old man's belly, and dances off to follow Khaavren. True to his word he kneels down and takes over that task. Finally, in that moment, it occurs to him how very much they three are like cats, grooming each other to reinforce their bond. The thought makes him laugh, and he shares it while grinning up at his paladin.

"Shall i lick you all over then? mm. that's a good idea," khaavren rumbles. "make sure we're all bonded and stuff."

"Yes, dea--AGH!" Kae aims a swat at that skinny ass as Ori gets up before trotting after them both to help get grapes ready for squishing while Ori washes off Khaav's feet. Kae gives him a squinty look and teases, "You better no' tickle me, brat." Mmm. Licking all over sounds like a -very- good idea, though. "Mebbe he kin lick off all the grapestuff when w're done."

Oriseus snerks and wags his tongue lasciviously. "I might." Though what he's might-ing about isn't particularly clear: licking or tickling? Guess they'll just have to find out! "Grooming and m-making sure we smell like each other. A l-lot of rubbing, hm?"

"This is a good plan and i approve," khaavren says, and steps into the vat. "Oh eee! squishy!"

"Oh a -lot- of rubbin' indeed." Laughing under his breath as Khaav gets in and declares just how squishy it feels, Kae wiggles a bit. Want to get in! Instead he scoots over to get his feet in the tub to wash off, playfully kicking a bit of water at Ori. Revenge for tickling him. "Don' tickle. If I fall in, 't'll be all messy."

Khaavren laughs and lifts one foot out of the grapes, puts it back down, and *giggles.* "You gotta try this!"

The sour look Kae gets for that splashing doesn't last. And Oriseus has to admit, that *does* look like a bit of fun...but all the same, he'll stay on the sidelines and watch instead, without goop between his toes or the threat of slipping!

Winking at Ori, the teenyrogue leans down to steal a kiss before sitting up and twisting about to slide into the vat and make a half-startled noise. Oh Light it -does- squish and feel -weird-! "... So y'two don' min' sleepin' by yerselves yeh? I thin' 'm gonna spen' all night in 'ere." Eeeee~ Pardon him a bit, Kae is going to stomp around and gleefully make an utter fool of himself. But it's -fun-!

Khaavren says, "I think we know exactly what kae's part in the operation is. crushing helples grape beneath him like he's some devilsaur."

Blink. Blink. *Sputterlaugh*. If Kae doesn't start making rahr noises and do the tiny arms thing Ori will be sorely disappointed. If he DOES, he's gonna laugh himself sick!

"Rawr, cower 'fore my might, lil grapes!" And with that, Kae does his best impression of a rawrstomping Devilsaur. Teenyarms and all. And then takes a flying leapSTOMP into a fresh part of the vat, pinwheels, and manages to clutch the side of the vat before he falls in with an undignified squeak.

Khaavren HOWLS with laughter. "oh Light..." and then Khaav does it, with a mighty RAWR! and teeny arms - and then twitches his head around at Ori in the best Nim'Dellor derpfase he can manage....and stampeds through the grapes toward him.

Oh crap he can hardly breathe. Once Kae slips (a brief mental buzz of "ohshityouokay?!" notwithstanding) and Khaav gets in on it too he's doubled over on the ground leaning on the vat. The burble of shared thought says what he doesn't have breath to speak: >>Love you(&you) silly(crazy) bastards so much.

"M'fine!" Comes the muffled call, and then Kae just sort of STARES at the devilsaurKhaav and leans his head against his arms to laugh himself sick. "O-oh /Light/, Khaav!"

"RAWR!" khaavren lifts his feet completely out of the grapes and crushes them mercilessly underfoot, headed for Ori, gathering him in close and making fierce growly noises while nuzzling his neck. Fierce!

What else can he do but squeak in mock terror, flail a bit (while clinging tight, Light there's nowhere that feels safer than Khaavren's arms), and laugh himself silly? Nothing really comes to mind, so that's just what Ori does. "Y-y-you, you t-two, I swear-!!"

Somehow managing to get his feet under him, Kae stompstomps his way through the grapes to haul himself up on the side of the vat and wraps his arms firmly around the both of them. "Y'love it, baby."

OM nOM NOM NOM. Khaav nibbles ori's neck . "you love us," he says, and kisses kae too. "do you really want to crush grapes all night? because we can totally get this finished, wash our feet off, and go make out."

Oh now that's just not fair. Kae wrinkles his nose a bit and laughs under his breath as he leans in to grab Khaav and give him one hell of a toe-curling kiss. Take that! "Makin' out soun's really damn good. Ge' this done firs', Mister Devilsaur." Tapping Khaav's cheek gently in a mock-smack, he ruffles Ori's hair and hops back down into the grapes. Moar stomping!

Squeak eep eep! Ori reaches out to touch Kae while he's still clinging to Khaav, noodle-legged and shaking with laughter still. "Love you both," their warlock agrees. "Have y-yo-your fun in the grapes. We've got all n-night to enjoy each other, and tomorrow, and t-tomorrow."

Khaavren laughs and makes sure ori is steady, and gets to work crushing grapes underfoot, looking of ones that are still whole. "We are going to be purple to the knees," khaavren declares.

"Y'say tha' like 's a bad thin', babe." Kae is more than happy to have purple feet if he gets them like this! -He- is going to be purple to the knees, though. It's a good thing he rolled his pantlegs up above them. "Jes' don' fall in, ain' in'rested in bein' purple all o'er!"

Mischief lights Ori's eyes. "T-too right, that stuff stains the s-skin for a few days you know. Soaks th-the colour right up. G-good thing I like purple- we'll f-find out soon just how good you t-two really look in it!" A wink to Khaavren, and he settles in beside the vat to watch them work with a blissful smile.

Khaavren will not get a wine press. not when they can do this instead! it's just so silly, how could anyone keep a straight face while hopping all over a bunch of grapes? But with a determination and many giggles, the grapes get crushed down to a pulp.

. . .

a little phoenix made of ash, khaavren loves retirement, idyllic days, bringing fluffy back, khaavren, home sweet home, a much-needed vacation, maturity?, kael'ash, could we be sappier, harvest

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