Fanfic Quotes

Apr 18, 2008 20:53

And after the fic rec list... comes the quotes list. Don't care if that makes me a bit anal *grins*, I just want to have a post where I can gather all my favourite lines from fanfic. And in fact, it's all 
christn7's fault, because he's the one whose story Immune made me want to start this list in the first place. So here goes:


Ten, Immune by 

You’ve never wanted ‘I love you’ to mean goodbye.


Ten, Or Not by

It’s all things and no things and she moves when he does, his equal and opposite, and it’s more than just sex, except, of course, that it isn’t.


Ten/Rose, Incurable by 

“Love isn’t kind. It isn’t fated or sacred or pure. The sort of love you mean - the helpless, desperate sort, the falling, when you have sex not so much for the sex but because you feel like one person broke apart and maybe, just maybe, if you try hard enough you can be whole again - it’s as terrible as it is wonderful. It’s hormones and instinct and insanity, a frantic, electric pulse in your brain.”

“But it’s real,” she breathed, the words escaping in a shuddering exhale.

“Oh yes,” he said, his voice rough. “And you know because it hurts.” He pressed his hand to her chest, just below her breasts, the heel of his palm resting hard against the curve of her ribs. “Here. A constant, throbbing ache just beneath the bones. It twists and sings and you learn to crave the fall, to taste wanting like salt on your tongue. And when the inevitable happens, when you lose what you love, it burns.”


Ten, Still Lost by 
The time would probably come when whole days would go by and he wouldn’t think of her, wouldn’t imagine what she would say if she found herself together with him in this or that scrape. The time would come when her features would blur in his memory like those of all of the others had, when he would have to struggle to conjure in his mind exactly what her voice had sounded like.


Ten/Donna, Moments of Madness by

“No, no, that’s... not possible. Completely impossible. Out of the question. Biologically incompatible. Less compatible than a... a... a human and a gerbil.”

She rakes him up and down with her gaze. “Well, I know who’s the gerbil.”


Ten/Rose, Ten times the Doctor didn’t say ‘I love you’ (and one time he did) by

“And I suppose...” Damn it, he will, if it’s the last thing he does. He’ll force those terrible, earth-shattering words out if he has to. Because he does have to. It’s Rose. “...If it’s my last chance to say it...”

And she looks at him. In that moment, in that second - one of the last few he has - he knows she knows, and suddenly, saying it doesn’t seem so very hard at all. He’s earned it. They both have.

Pride swells in his hearts, as does fear, excitement and, yes, love. He can’t stop it.

“Rose Tyler, I...”

And she’s gone. The link is broken. He’s staring at an empty console room and the TARDIS hums in melancholy around him. That’s it. She’s gone, forever. He never said it. All those times, all those options, and he never once said it.

Tears trickle down his face and he closes his mouth, burying those words deep down to somewhere they can never be accessed again, somewhere nobody else will ever find them. Maybe, after all he put her through, he deserves not to say them after all. It’s a just punishment for the man he is. And he wonders, bitterly, whether he’ll ever feel like that again.


Ten/Rose, Vagaries of Love by

Yet the words he does say, speak more to her than if he uttered those three little words he is unable to say. As he whispers beautiful words from a long forgotten language in her ear, she hears a loving prayer. His naked limbs curl her up into him, their bodies merging as one under crisp white sheets. He cannot say it. She does not need it. Their life is love. It’s as simple as that. Time doesn’t change it any more than separation did. For as long as they have, they are as one.


Donna, Given the Choice by

He needed her. And now he’s gone and bloody gone off to die without her. He’s a stupid, thick, moronic git of an idiot and she bloody well hates him.


fanfic, recommendation, doctor who

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