Fanfic Recommendations

Apr 18, 2008 20:35

I thought it was about time I had my own fic rec post, so here it is, and I'll update it as I discover more gems around the fandom. Be warned that I'm a Rose/Doctor shipper, which strongly influences my taste in fanfic. The stories linked below particularly moved me in some way or another. If you like them, too, don’t forget to post a comment to their author! ;)


Immune, by dave7
Ten/Rose; drabble; teen
Her blood is making your fingers slick.
Rec note: This drabble managed to bring me to tears in one hundred words, evidence of dave7's incredible talent for angst and emotion. The final line just broke my heart.

Or Not, by dave7
Ten/Rose; drabble; M
It's more than just sex, except, of course, that it isn't.
Rec note: Because it's yet another punch-in-the-gut drabble by dave7 , who can make your heart race and your hackles rise and your eyes burn with tears in just a few lines. The Master of Drabbles, he is!

Only Human, by wendymr
Ten/Rose; drabble; teen
Too late. Lord of Time, always too late.
Rec note: When I first got to read this drabble, I could feel all the pain in Ten's heart, his regret at coming too late, but what really, really did it for me was the last line, which made my jaw drop to the floor and totally lifted my spirits up!

Through the Barricades, by wendymr
Ten/Rose; drabble; M; general spoilers for the final three episodes of S4 (casting spoiler and identity of principal villains)
So little time and so many lives remaining to be saved and this may be all they have.
Rec note: While I adore the way RTD dealt with Rose’s return so far, what wendymr wrote here is totally the sort of scene I’d have *loved* to see.

Ten times the Doctor didn't say "I love you" (and one time he did), by avoria
Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose, Jack; one-shot; teen
Ten times the Doctor didn't say "I love you." And one time he did. What more can you say, really?
Rec note: This story captures exactly what makes the Doctor and Rose's relationship so very special. A beautiful collection of stolen moments of their life together.

Better than Sex, by sc_angel72
Nine/Rose; one-shot; M
"I Doubt there's a man alive who can top this," Rose sighed, dragging the back of the spoon over the softening ice cream and lifting it to her lips.
Rec note: Nine, Rose, ice cream, and smut. What could possibly be better than that? ;)

Glass Shards, by dave7
Ten/Rose; one-shot; teen; spoilers: Doomsday
It's metallic against your tongue, bright red on your lips, and you hate that. You imagine you must look ridiculous, red, red, red everywhere, bleeding into the blue of your suit.
Rec note: Not only did the raw emotion in that fic bring me to tears, but it's also amazing how dave7 succeeded in making the reader feel the Doctor's pain.

A Thousand Languages, by madlori
Ten/Rose; one-shot; teen
Rose thought she knew how it would be when it happened, but things are rarely as we imagine them.
Rec note: This story is full of tenderness and love between Ten and Rose. It's the perfect fanfic to make you cry and smile in turns.

Incurable, by rosa_acicularis
Ten/Rose; one-shot; teen; spoilers through Love and Monsters
After the events of Love and Monsters, Rose has a question. The Doctor may or may not have an answer.
Rec note: This story has got the perfect balance of humour, thoughtfulness and sensuality, and the banter between Rose and Ten feels so real I could hear both their voice in my mind as I read.

That Quiet Part, by dave7
Ten/Rose; one-shot; teen; spoilers: Doomsday
'I suppose, if it's my last chance to say it. Rose Tyler...'
Rec note: This story moved me beyond words, brought me to tears as it showed how much one can waste time for the sake of making something special, so special it never actually happens. Beautiful.

Vagaries of Love, by lydlods
Ten/Rose; one-shot; M; spoilers: Doomsday
Reunion fic, taking a look at how the Doctor and Rose's relationship would change after Rose's return.
Rec note: A very touching trip into the Doctor’s relationship to Rose when she finally returns to him. lydlods's words craft a beautiful description of what makes that pairing so very special. A must-read.

There is no peace that I've found so far, by teenwitch77
Ten/Rose; one-shot; M; spoilers: The Stolen Earth
It's when he looks at her like that - like she's the only thing that has ever mattered, that of all the numbers and facts and formulas swirling around in his genius head she's the only one he cares about - that's when everything they've suffered seems almost worth it.
Rec note: There are lots of scenes in the show that moved me to tears, but only two ever made me sob: the end of Doomsday, and the end of Stolen Earth. This story picks up from the end of Stolen Earth and captures the despair of the Doctor and Rose as they find each other again, even under grim circumstances.

To An Outsider's Eye, by hippiebanana132
Jackie, Ten/Rose; one-shot; teen
Jackie observes the progression of the Doctor and Rose's relationship after his regeneration.
Rec note: It's always fascinating to read about the Ten/Rose relationship from an external point of view. Jackie was a great choice for this story, because she really saw a lot of what was going on between them, and the author truly managed to make her voice sound real and in-character.

I Believe in You, by tardislullabye
Ten/Rose; one-shot; teen; spoilers: The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit
Four words; four words gave him the strength, the power and the faith to do what had to be done.
Rec note: I consider the two-parter this story is based on to be capital for the Ten/Rose relationship. That's when the Doctor stopped even denying how he felt about his companion, and his faith in her is what saved him in the end. This fic shows beautiful glimpses of what we didn't see on-screen.

Threshold, by aibhinn_fics
Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose; multipart (2 chapters); M; spoilers up to The Christmas Invasion.
The relationship between the Doctor and Rose crosses a new threshold after the events of Dalek; but once the Doctor has regenerated, what does it mean for their relationship?
Rec note: In the first chapter, I loved the telepathic link between Rose and the Doctor. Plus it was very emotional and sensual. The second chapter was even more moving, with Rose still grieving Nine and also discovering Ten. Special mention for counting the freckles, too. ;)

Teach Me More, aibhinn_fics
Ten/Rose; multipart (2 chapters); M
The Doctor's been sharing a few words of Gallifreyan here and there. Rose wants more - and the Doctor's amazed by how much she knows.
Rec note: Pure, unadulterated fluff, the kind of story that makes you feel good and warm and fuzzy.

Human Nature, by countrygirl_914
Ten/Rose; multipart (5 chapters); M; spoilers: Human Nature / The Family of Blood
What if Rose had been with the Doctor when he met the Family? And what if they went to Rose's time, instead of 1913? And what if the Chameleon Arch didn't take away his memories?
Rec note: Because it made me wish the actual episode had happened the way countrygirl_914 wrote it: a story that is both sweet and thought-provoking, and gives the Doctor and Rose time to really develop their relationship, while still staying in character.

Still Lost, by unfolded73
Ten/Rose, Jack, Donna; multipart (16 chapters); M; spoilers through The Doctor's Daughter
This was born out of the idea that being so close to Rose in Partners in Crime left some vague impression on the Doctor's brain. And on all the discussion about the Doctor's song ending.
Rec note: I'm a sucker for Ten/Rose reunion fics, and this one is very well written, showing the Doctor's grief and how afraid he is that the memories he's clinging to will fade.

Cheating Time, by dark_aegis and wendymr
Ten/Rose, Jack, some OT3; multipart (9 chapters); teen; spoilers up to Voyage of the Damned
He's saved the universe over and over again. He's lost everything, including his own race. Doesn't the universe owe him something in return?
Rec note: It's got everything I like in fanfic: Post-Doomsday angst, a tortured Ten, Daleks, Ten/Rose sensuality, and Jack Harkness. And as it's co-written by the brilliant dark_aegis and wendymr , it's got a Tissue Warning of course!

Don't Ask, Don't Tell, by wendymr
Eight, Nine, Rose, Jackie; multipart (3 chapters); teen
Ask not, we cannot know what end the gods have set for you, for me.
Rec note: First, it made me discover Eight, whom I was not familiar with. Second, it's got some brilliant Nine/Jackie interaction, hilarious and emotional in turns. Third, it's stamped with wendymr's talent.

Fear This, by unfolded73
Ten/Rose; one-shot; M
During the events of Fear Her, Rose tries to work out what it means to be in a relationship with the Doctor.
Rec note: This story takes a very realistic look at the relationship between the Doctor and Rose. But it's also worth reading if just for Ten's dirty talk that, as Rose says, could really use some work (*so* wonderfully in character and adorable Ten, loved it!) - Also check out the counterpart to this story, Feel This, set after Journey's End and exploring the beginnings of the Ten2/Rose relationship.

Better Late Than Never, by fid_gin
Ten/Rose; one-shot; M; spoilers: The Waters of Mars, The End of Time preview from Children in Need if you squint.
After the events of The Waters of Mars, the Doctor takes a detour.
Rec note: Angsty, romantic, desperate, and made possible thanks to Russell's brillant episode. This story is so well done, between the flashbacks showing the first moments of the scene described in the story and the Doctor having to lie to Rose while not really lying to her, all in all. It's hard to describe without giving everything away, but trust me on this: it's very, very well done.

I Hold Ashes in my Palms, and You Take my Hand, by humansrsuperior
Ten/Rose; one-shot; teen; spoilers: through The Waters of Mars
He doesn’t stop, doesn’t even so much as pause. His worn plimsolls kick up dust and death where it clings to the edges of his coat, and he swaggers through it all as if unaffected.
Rec note: When all hell breaks loose, the Doctor needs her more than ever, and when she's gone... This is a heartwrenching tribute to how much the Doctor needs his companions, and especially Rose.

The Doctor's Blue Suit, by chicklet73 
Ten/Rose; one-shot; M
Rose doesn't like the blue suit much. Let's see how it looks on the floor!
Rec note: Because sometimes, all you need is a bit of very hot Ten/Rose smut. ;)

Introduction, by rude_not_ginger 
NIne, Ten; one-shot; teen; spoilers: The End of Time part 2
Pain floods his system, it crashes through every cell. He feels himself crumbling, dying from the inside out. He can feel regeneration energy struggling to flow through his system. He can feel it, he's dying.
Rec note: A comparative look at regeneration from Nine's then Ten's point of view. Heartwrenching and so very well done.

Through Worlds, by humansrsuperior 
Ten/Rose; one-shot; teen; spoilers: The Waters of Mars
He’d lost himself somewhere in the city scape of New York, 1940, when he stumbled into her as if she were just any other stranger on the street.
Rec note: This story broke my heart. Need I say more?

Doctor, Jack - Doctor/Jack - OT3 Doctor/Rose/Jack:

Dulce et Decorum Est, by wendymr
Ten, Jack; one-shot; teen (for description of battlefield scenes)
On an infamous battlefield, the Doctor finds someone he left behind.
Rec note: This story describes with painful accuracy what sort of horrors Jack Harkness must have gone through while he was taking the slow path, and because it shows the Doctor realising what a coward he is when it comes to Jack.

Broken Threads, by wendymr (from the series: Tapestry)
Ten/Jack; multipart (7 chapters); teen; spoilers: Voyage of the Damned (DW) and Fragments (TW)
"Knew you always wanted me, Jack. I thought that if I gave you what you wanted... you might say yes."
Rec note: A moving story about two lost souls seeking solace in each other, with wendymr's usual gift for a great balance of angst, humour and romance.
Weaving, by wendymr (from the series: Tapestry)
Ten/Jack/Rose; multipart (11 chapters); teen; spoilers: DW: S3 and Voyage of the Damned; TW: pretty much all of S2, though this is completely AU.
She's back, and it should be just as it was before, the three of them... but can you ever really go back?
Rec note: Many times when reading this story, I felt my eyes get blurry. Rose’s inadequacy as she tries to find her place back in the Doctor's life was poignant, as was the Doctor's fear to show her how he truly felt.

Sálvame, by dark_aegis and wendymr
Nine/Rose/Jack; multipart (5 chapters); teen
They're going to kill him today.
Rec note: Those two write wonderfully, whether they do it separately or together, and especially when we're talking Nine/Jack/Rose. This story is no exception and shows Jack's insecurities right after he joins the Doctor and Rose on board of the TARDIS. Jack gets kidnapped, tortured, manipulated, and has no hope that the Doctor will even care and look for him. How much further from the truth could he be?

Even the Damned, by dameruth
Ten, Jack; one-shot; teen (for language); spoilers: TW Children of Earth
A hurt/comfort epilogue to the "Children of Earth" TW miniseries.
Rec note: After I watched Children of Earth, I was craving for an epilogue with Ten and Jack. This story gave me exactly what I needed. It's thought-provoking, heartwrenching, comforting, and beautiful.

The Seventh Circle of Hell, by wendymr
Ten, Jack; one-shot; teen; spoilers: Children of Earth
No matter where he goes, he can't run away from himself.
Rec note: Another great epilogue to TW's Children of Earth, where Jack comes to realise that the Doctor's gone through the same sort of thing as he just has. I love it because it shows how similar Jack and the Doctor have become.

Heroes and Monsters, by yamx
Ten, Jack; one-shot; M; spoilers: Children of Earth
The aftermath. Hurt/comfort fic about what happens after Day 5. Emphasis on the hurt.
Rec note: Because the way yamx wrote Jack's pain and his desire to hurt himself after what he'd done brought a lump to my throat. And it's a fantastic hurt/comfort story.

Damaged Goods, by dark_aegis
Ten, Jack; one-shot; teen; spoilers: Children of Earth
He knows why the Doctor runs.
Rec note: Another thought-provoking post-Children of Earth story, where Jack keeps running away from himself until the Doctor finds him and helps him heal, little by little. Wonderfully written!

Sense, by adaliazandra
Ten/Rose/Jack; multipart (15 chapters); teen
One by one they left him, increasingly cut off, alone, in the silence and the dark, until only touch remained; touch, and pain.
Rec note: A fantastic idea, and the way adaliazandra wrote it brought tears to my eyes. A wonderful, completely heartwrenching hurt/comfort story about love and trust.

But What That Place Could Be, by yamx
Nine/Rose/Jack; one-shot; teen
On Jack's first morning onboard the TARDIS, he and the Doctor have a serious disagreement with an unexpected outcome.
Rec note: Jack setting the Doctor straight on his reaction to Rose's mistakes in Father's Day was a stroke of brilliance, and I loved how the story showed us the evolution of the relationship between the three of them. Angsty, but with that hint of optimism that makes the best Nine/Jack/Rose stories. And Jack's just brilliant.

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes, by yamx
Ten, Jack; one-shot; teen; spoilers: DW The Waters of Mars / TW Children of Earth
Two lost souls meet, two broken champions collide. But will they make each other better or worse? Set right after the end of Waters of Mars for the Doctor, and several months after Children of Earth for Jack.
Rec note: This story left me gaping in awe and wonder. yamx captures both Jack's and Ten's voice after their respective traumas so very well that it's impossible not to hear them speak and see them act as you read. The story itself is heartwrenching and gut-punching. A definite must-read!

A Far, Far Better Thing, by yamx  and wendymr 
Ten, Jack, Wilf; multipart (2 chapters); all ages; spoilers: (DW) The End of Time part 2, (TW) Children of Earth
"Doctor? Got the strangest feeling you needed me."
Rec note: Oh how I wish that's how things had gone in the real episode... Brilliantly written, so thought-provoking, and definitely worth reading (several times!)


Etched On Me, by karenor
Ten2/Rose; one-shot; M
"It's perfect," he said, tracing the flawlessly rendered loops and swirls of his native text.
Rec note: Sexy as hell, very emotional first time for the duplicate Doctor and Rose. I loved every line.

The Journey After, by kalleah
Ten2/Rose; multipart (9 chapters in a series of stories of various length - there might be more coming); M
Rec note: This is probably the best post-Journey's End Ten2/Rose story I've read so far. Kalleah's writing is extremely lively, her dialogue is spot-on, and the scenes are written in such a way that you can just see them happening. Utterly brilliant, enthralling, and I'm begging for more stories in the series!

Feel This, by unfolded73
Ten2/Rose; one-shot; M
The sequel to Fear This. The part-human Doctor is different, and Rose struggles with whether that's good or bad.
Rec note: Because it's a wonderful counterpart to its prequel, Fear This, recommended above. Just as well written, just as emotional, just as enthralling.

Ten, Donna - Ten/Donna

Alien, by dave7
Ten, Donna; drabble; teen; spoilers: The Runaway Bride
He scares her to death.
Rec note: Another wonderful drabble that shows how dark Ten has become after Doomsday. The words are carefully chosen and every one of them is extremely powerful.

Tender Moments That Don't Last, by zhian_tara
Ten/Donna, sort of but not really; one-shot; teen; spoilers: The Poison Sky
Missing moment from "The Poison Sky", just after the Doctor's return via teleport. Donna just...needs a minute.
Rec note: Using one of the best scenes from TPS as a starting point, this story shows what I'd have loved to see onscreen then, taking the time to explore the aftermath of a powerful and poignant moment in the Doctor's life.

Moment of Madness, by wendymr
Ten/Donna; one-shot; teen
The Doctor and Donna have sex. It's a memorable experience. Crackfic.
Rec note: Absolute crackfic that brought tears of laughter to my eyes. It's so, so, so very wrong, and so, so, so very funny. And so very brilliantly done!

Given the Choice by wendymr
Donna Noble (Martha Jones, Tenth Doctor); one-shot; teen; spoilers: The Sontaran Strategy/The Poison Sky
It's his life or the future of the Earth. Right now, she's not even sure which matters more.
Rec note: Because it shows so very well the life-threatening choices the Doctor has to make on a daily basis, because wendymr writes Donna Noble so well I can hear her voice and see her facial expressions in my head, and because this ficlet captured extremely well the emotions of one of my favourite scenes from The Poison Sky.

Other characters:

Tidewater, by orange_crushed
Ten, River Song, Rose, Donna; one-shot; teen; spoilers: Silence in the Library
"The dragons are a myth," she says. Another chunk of the wall falls in, rolling past her, with a great grinning lizard's head at the top. She scowls at it. "They're just a legend. This is a research site, not a fairy tale." - "Oh?" he asks. - They run.
Rec note: Never thought anyone could do this, making me like a character that drove me bonkers in the actual show, but orange_crushed succeeded in giving life and depth to River Song, and giving a purpose to her presence.

fanfic, recommendation, doctor who

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