10 new fic recs! (it was about time I updated the fic rec post!)

Sep 06, 2009 00:30

I've got lots of catching up to do as far as fic-reading is concerned, and I haven't updated my fic rec post in ages, but here are a few I just added. There are still a few stories I've read over the past few months that equally deserve to be included, and I'll add them as soon as I find some time to search them back. Meanwhile, here are 10 new recs! All the recs can be found on my main fic rec post!

Fear This, by unfolded73
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: Adult
Length: one-shot
Summary: During the events of Fear Her, Rose tries to work out what it means to be in a relationship with the Doctor.
Rec note: This story takes a very realistic look at the relationship between the Doctor and Rose. But it's also worth reading if just for Ten's dirty talk that, as Rose says, could really use some work (*so* wonderfully in character and adorable Ten, loved it!) - Also check out the counterpart to this story, Feel This, set after Journey's End and exploring the beginnings of the Ten2/Rose relationship.

Sálvame, by dark_aegis and wendymr
Pairing: Nine/Rose/Jack
Rating: PG13
Length: multipart (5 chapters)
Summary: They're going to kill him today.
Rec note: Those two write wonderfully, whether they do it separately or together, and especially when we're talking Nine/Jack/Rose. This story is no exception and shows Jack's insecurities right after he joins the Doctor and Rose on board of the TARDIS. Jack gets kidnapped, tortured, manipulated, and has no hope that the Doctor will even care and look for him. How much further from the truth could he be?

Even the Damned, by dameruth
Characters: Ten, Jack
Rating: PG/Teen (for language)
Spoilers: TW Children of Earth
Length: one-shot
Summary: A hurt/comfort epilogue to the "Children of Earth" TW miniseries.
Rec note: After I watched Children of Earth, I was craving for an epilogue with Ten and Jack. This story gave me exactly what I needed. It's thought-provoking, heartwrenching, comforting, and beautiful.

The Seventh Circle of Hell, by wendymr
Characters: Ten, Jack
Rating: PG
Spoilers: TW Children of Earth
Length: one-shot
Summary: No matter where he goes, he can't run away from himself.
Rec note: Another great epilogue to TW's Children of Earth, where Jack comes to realise that the Doctor's gone through the same sort of thing as he just has. I love it because it shows how similar Jack and the Doctor have become.

Heroes and Monsters, by yamx
Characters: Ten, Jack
Rating: NC17
Spoilers: TW Children of Earth
Length: one-shot
Summary: The aftermath. Hurt/comfort fic about what happens after Day 5. Emphasis on the hurt.
Rec note: Because the way yamx wrote Jack's pain and his desire to hurt himself after what he'd done brought a lump to my throat. And it's a fantastic hurt/comfort story.

Damaged Goods, by dark_aegis
Characters: Ten, Jack
Rating: PG
Spoilers: TW Children of Earth
Length: one-shot
Summary: He knows why the Doctor runs.
Rec note: Another thought-provoking post-Children of Earth story, where Jack keeps running away from himself until the Doctor finds him and helps him heal, little by little. Wonderfully written!

Sense, by adaliazandra
Characters: Ten/Rose/Jack
Rating: Teen
Length: multipart (15 chapters)
Summary: One by one they left him, increasingly cut off, alone, in the silence and the dark, until only touch remained… touch, and pain.
Rec note: A fantastic idea, and the way adaliazandra wrote it brought tears to my eyes.  A wonderful, completely heartwrenching hurt/comfort story about love and trust.

Etched On Me, by karenor
Pairing: Ten2/Rose
Rating: M
Length: one-shot
Summary: "It’s perfect,” he said, tracing the flawlessly rendered loops and swirls of his native text.
Rec note: Sexy as hell, very emotional first time for the duplicate Doctor and Rose. I loved every line.

The Journey After, by kalleah
Pairing: Ten2/Rose
Rating: M
Length: multipart (9 chapters in a series of stories of various length - there might be more coming)
Rec note: This is probably the best post-Journey's End Ten2/Rose story I've read so far. kalleah's writing is extremely lively, her dialogue is spot-on, and the scenes are written in such a way that you can just see them happening. Utterly brilliant, enthralling, and I'm begging for more stories in the series!

Feel This, by unfolded73
Pairing: Ten2/Rose
Rating: M
Length: one-shot
Summary: The sequel to Fear This. The part-human Doctor is different, and Rose struggles with whether that's good or bad.
Rec note: Because it's a wonderful counterpart to its prequel, Fear This, recommended above. Just as well written, just as emotional, just as enthralling.

fanfic, recommendation, doctor who

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