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Dec 26, 2005 18:16

  • welL its been a few days, and well cHristmas is  n0w over and i had a pretty good christmas minus a few things acourse something always has to go wrong on a holiday for me and BM! well anways ill start with friday cause tuesday through thursday i was grounded haha.

  • friday - well i woke up around 12 i suppose? and i ate some breakfast and then me and my mother started rappin presents since we didnt have no one single one rapped yet haha.. soo that took up most of my day and then later on i started to gettin ready cause me and brian were goin to ktown to eat and see a movie he was suppose to be there @ at least 5 and he didnt show up till 6:30, he is always late i mean no kiddin, but he finally got here to pick me up and we hurried to ktown cause our movie started at 7:30 and we made it just in time haha.. we saw "fun with dick & jane" haha which was a very funny movie, well after the movie we got some food and we stopped my his farm ;) and then headed back to my house and we went to the basement and "watched some tV" haha.. and well he left around 12 something and i headed to bed.

  • saturday - well it was christmas eve and i got up started cleannin up the house & helped mom out a lil bit, later on i took a shower and got ready then morgan called and we decided to exchange gifts so she can down around 4 we  exchanged gifts which she got me two shirts which were very pretty underwear from vS and jessica simpson stuff.. i love my TBF :) haha i dont know what id do without her thanks girl!! well we watched a movie then she got to eat with us and the whole family came down, which the family didnt get into argument but me and brian did....he was suppose to come eat with me and get his presesnts at 6 okay he didnt show up tIll 9:30 and then he had to go out with sean so he got his shit and left.. kinda pathetic really, i got him a sweatshirt from ae, a murphy shirt which was awesome that i found one with his last name on it haha, a football mug thing that cools beers haha with skoal and cookies mom made him haha, i also got him a uk tee-shirt with some pics i had blown up for him and for his big present i went and had a big blow up poster made of him when he was runnin the ball.. its soo co0l lookin, so he got his things and left acourse just like always.. sometimes i wonder why im soo nice to that boy, he doesnt do anything for me ... well i just cleaned up and went to bed.

  • sunday - well my dad and came woke me up at 8, which it  was very hard to wake me  up haha ..well i went dowstairs and mammaw and mom were cookin some breakfast then joshua ian and adrienne came over to eat and open presents.. well my christmas was great, i got a bunch of clothes, a canopy thing for my bed some boots,shocks, and everything possible & some money like 500  dollars haha..so everything was great acourse, and well ian got some lil basketball thing so me and brother played horse and a bunch of shit for 3 hours all of us didnt come out of the basement till 1 haha & we had went down there at 8:30, but we had fun and well later on i went back to bed cause i was worn out, and then woke back up got in the shower and headed to the movies with my parents and josh & adrienne we saw "cheaper by the dozen 2" which was a good movie soo we had fun & then i just came home and "sat around for awhile" then went to bed.

  • monday - well this mornin my mom came and woke me up at 5 cause we wanted to hit the malls before everything was gone and crowded so i got ready then we headed out got some breakfast then went to Jc malL woahhh did i spend a shit load of money there too haha.. i got a bunch more clothes and other things and then we went back to kingsport mall i bought a few more things then we ate at texas road house and well came home around 1 something and i talked on the computer for awhile & tried talkin to brian.. but No that fuckstick never wants to do anything...he lives a boring life no joke & hes always stuck up seans asS i mean i love sean hes awesome but damn i dont see brian anymore haha.. but its startin to be okay ;). anways im now just settin here tryin to figure something out what i can do tonight.

  • i Miss my gIrls!! guys were doin something either tomorrow or sometime soon im about to go crazy stayin in this hell whole haha, so hoLler at me ladies :)

  • well i just thought id update --  c0mments????

  • "You're just jealous cuz I had something you'll never have." "Wrong. I'm jealous cuz you had something i'll never have and you threw it all away."

  • Let's start over. Let's forget our problems.

    Let's put our past behind us and never bring it up again.

    Like they say, we can't live or love in the past.

    Let's throw all our problems away.

    I’ll give you my trust if you give me yours.

    Let's fall in love, the right way
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