Aug 15, 2009 23:29
I had the latest wine dinner tonight. Six courses of goodness paired with five wines. Judging by the reaction from the crowd and the fact that people were requesting seconds, I'd say it went well. Which is good, because it started out kinda rocky.
The first three courses involved seafood of some sort: crab, mussels and shrimp. I ordered everything on Thursday for pick-up today from my favorite fish guys. Order was supposed to be ready by noon. I had the whole day planned, so I would spend the morning tracking down produce at the farmer's markets, grab my fish, home by noon, cook until 4, head to the inn at 4:30, cook, eat, done.
So I did all my running about, and hit the fish market on my last stop around 11:30. The nice lady there tells me that the truck isn't in yet, but should be by noon.
Ok, no problem. I'll go home, unload groceries and come back.
I return at 12:40. No truck. The shop staff call while I'm there. He's heading into town and should be here "anytime." Uh huh. I make sure they have my number and head home to do what I can without my three main ingredients. At 2:15 I get the call that my order is ready.
After collecting that, I shanghaied Bax into making 30 crab cakes while I cooked the shrimp and did everything else. (Making crab cakes is a both-hands sort of job and it's best to not attempt anything else while doing it.)
My usual server wasn't available, so Bax had agreed to be a waiter for me - which he did on 2 hours of sleep due to a work project.
We got through the night, the dinner was a raging success and I have been invited to be included on a county-wide wedding web site and to join the related networking group - which I shall do. In the meantime, I feel about 87 years old and I still have to write an invoice and take a shower.