Oct 23, 2007 11:40
I'm one of those people who, for all that I'm geeky vaguely hacker-like, I just want my computer to work. It doesn't have to be fancy, it doesn't have to run the newest graphics cards or the latest games. Basic tasks need to work, all the time, as expected, without user intervention.
I've been happy with the Ubuntu installs on the SpiralScouts computers. I've been reasonably happy with the Debian install running on my new laptop (even the volume buttons work out-of-the-box!), and the few minor issues have been because I'm *not* your average computer user, rather than because of a failure of the software.
One of the guys I work with and I have been discussing computers and whatnot lately. He recently sent his son's old laptop to dell for warrranty service, with a plan to use it for browsing the internet and reading his email. After it got back from Dell, there were still some software issues, so Dell sent him a Windows XP install disk, because the recovery disk wasn't working.
He's now on his third attempt at installing XP from scratch.
The first attempt said some files hadn't copied correctly, and it errored out.
The second attempt said it had three minutes remaining...for over half an hour.
The third attempt ran all night last night, and this morning was asking if he wanted to retry copying something that had failed.
So...It seems that if the criteria is "I just want it to work" maybe windows isn't the way to go anymore....
computer stuff