Experientia docet

Jan 24, 2003 02:18

Bad day. Experientia docet. Ain't that the damn truth? Nothing major, just something that was actually quite trivial, but offed my mood for many an hour today. It still does now. I need to get over it. Especially since it was brought about by someone I really care for. Unintentionally, and over a matter we both agree on. Bah. Just bad, old memories that are unimportant. Shut up, memory. I'll kill you. Dead. With like...a big...rock. Or something.

On a side note, this did lead to something I found funny on my way to work. Crossing one of the pretty wide streets down by campus, (wtih a pedestrian nightmare for traffic lights) admittedly when the light was not good for me to do so, a car thought it would be fun to play 'Hit that guy'. I saw him speed up when the light started to turn yellow, and right as I was in the portion of the street that would make me run over should he decide to be stupid. This was the only car coming up this street (for a change) or I would not have crossed without the lights on my side. People drive poorly here. So the light shifted red right as the fucker thinks he's gonna speed through and run me over in the process. A cop pulls out from a side street. A univeristy cop pulls out from another. He screeches the brackes and stops at the light. The cops drive off. I cross the street. A sudden urge hits me.

I walk over towards the car in my betrenched glory. I have my black gloves on. My black leather trench. My black motocross pants. My hell boots. I look angry. He fidgets in his seat. I walk to the driver's side, near the front end of the car. I thump my hands down on the hood, shove my face up near his windshield, and shout at him, 'YOU LOSE, SHITHEAD!' in a horrendous growl that echoed for ten secodns. I can project my voice quite well. Then I smile sweetly, and continue walking off towards the building I work in.

"Waht fi h3 hadz teh gunnz!?"

He was too fucking scared to hit the gas when the light turned green. He sat there until a car honked at him.

I shit you not.
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