Stop yelling at me Billy Mays

Feb 16, 2006 21:00

Ok seriously, stop yelling at me Billy Mays.  I'm not gonna by Kaboom, or Oxy-Clean, or any of the other dozen products you scream about.  Verbally abusing me will not convince me to purchase that stuff.  And honestly Billy, who would let their toilet or tub get that dirty.  That toilet looks like Rosie O'Donnell's shit caked asshole.  Come on now, be realistic

So I saw a preview for Freedomland, and at the end of the preview, they said something like, "With an ending so shocking, you'll crap your pants.".  You get the idea.  What I'm wondering, is why would they even bother saying that.  Aren't they ruining the fact that it's a surprise ending by telling you in the preview that it's a surprise ending.  So now rather than sitting in the movie and thinking that the killer is the obvious choice, you sit there analyzing it.  Makes no sense.

Another thing about movie previews that makes no sense to me: naming no-name directors to advertise the movie.  The first time I noticed this was when I saw the preview for Glory Road.  At the end of the preview, they proclaimed, "Directed by James Gartner".  Now not many previews do this, unless of course it's a Spielberg movie or something.  So when I heard that, I decided to look up Mr. James Gartner on  Let's see, other than Glory Road, the only other thing he has ever done was produced a movie in 1983 called The Last Leaf.  So why bother even mentioning in the preview that he directed it, if no one knows who the hell he is?  Another example is the preview for the mermaid movie Aquamarine.  The preview excites us by saying that it is directed by Elizabeth Allen. Wait just a second!! You don't mean the Elizabeth Allen, do you??  The director of such hits as Eyeball Eddie in 2000??  Or...ummm.....Eyeball Eddie??  Yup, that's it.  Letting people know that she directed it will really get the crowds swarming.
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