On the subject of Stop Signs, Crucks, and Terrible Music

Feb 08, 2006 19:39

OK people, let me explain something to you.  If you arrive at a Stop Sign and there is someone in front of you, stopping behind them does not count as your stop. You still have to stop when you get to the sign.  Easy concept in theory, difficult apparently in execution

I was driving on the highway the other day, and saw a peculiar vehicle.  I wish I had paid attention to the make and model so I could post a pic, but I didn't, so I will describe.  It was a car, with a small truck bed instead of a trunk.  And when I say small, I mean trunk sized.  Listen, either get a truck, or don't get a truck.  What's the point of having a trunk with no top to it. I have a theory as to why someone would drive something like this, which for the rest of this section I will refer to as a "Cruck". I think the person that drives a Cruck is very lonely, and wants friends.  Because what do people do when they are moving?  They find people with trucks to help them.  But Cruck people don't want something as big as a truck, because they are scared, and think that trucks are hard to drive, and ESPECIALLY hard to park.  So they get a Cruck.  Boy will they be surprised when they realize no one needs a truck that can only hold one lawn chair in it when they move. Grow some balls Cruck drivers!

Kanye West is awful.  I'm sick of hearing his songs, seeing him on magazine covers, hearing him speak, seeing him in general really.  He's a fucking rapper, not the second coming. And a pretentious rapper at that. He hasn't done anything that dozens of rappers before him have never done. Get over it.

So I had the State of the Union address on in the background last week, and wasn't really paying much attention until I head President Bush mention that we need to be on guard for HUMAN-ANIMAL HYBRIDS!! Well this of course piqued my interest.  What creatures could he possible be referring to??






Wolfman Jack??????

I mean come on Bush, you can't drop a bomb like that and not specify!  Do I need to be on the lookout for these creatures??  Is there a reward for their capture??  I need to do some investigating. See you all on the flip side.

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