You know what's not a very creative name? "Brownies". Srsly.
I'm making brownies at midnight LOL they may or may not have bits of eggshell in them >__>;; Ahaha my parents would've had a fit if I did this when I lived back home! ^_^V
Reason #285 Why I'm Never Having Kids: I wouldn't be able to lick the bowl anymore .__.;;
WHY? WHY ALL THE ENORMOUS SPIDERS? WHY DO THEY CONSTANTLY APPEAR ON MY WALL, THE SAME WALL, ALWAYS THE SAME SPIDER? askdhflasdfjkl; Now I'm going to have the creepy-crawlies for the rest of the night D:
P.S. this is like the most perfect mood icon ever.
Anyways. I know I desperately need to get to bed and I shouldn't even be online at all but LOOK AT THIS. That is SCARY. Horrifying even, I mean my god, it just makes you not want to reproduce like EVER. o_o