Dec 15, 2005 16:36
Its about 4:45 here in this library. Dan and I are leaving tonight at 11:30 on the bus. Fuckin four days of diesel pushin. Ill be in Chicago on the 18th for like 10 hours untill my next bus comes later. I hate to feel rushed, so I hope to find a ride to the greater muskegon area from chicago. If I take the bus out of Chicago I head to Lansing and they expect me to wait 11 hours untill my bus comes the next day and takes me to muskegon, ill walk.
Im pretty pumped to see some rockin dudes and dudetts when i get back.
I think a cabin adventure is in need (maybe on X-mas night). How magical would that be?
I hear of a newyears party in Chicago, im going.
Dan and I Decided that after the job in Alaska to hang out on the small island of Kauia and live for a couple of months. Kill boars and hang out on the beach. Id like that or somewhere over seas.
I should be in muskegon on the 20/21 ish.
I go to my friends weding on the 21.