Dec 07, 2005 13:19
sunday zac, karla(zac's girlfriend), isac, dan and I went camping at tiger mountain. we took busses all the way there and when we arived in the small town of issaqua we started walking. it took us about 3 hours to walk somewhere where a camp site was possible. the forest floor was rough. filled with huge ferns and the easyest was to navagate over the shit was to walk on logs. night started to fall so dan and i ventured ahead and found a nice spot under a pine tree. we made a fire and cooked up a mean dinner. i didnt sleep really at all that night and the temperature droped to about 20 degrees. the next morning we all ate some chocolates that we made earlyer in the week. after we packed up we started to hike around. we walked with two black tailed deer for like 15 min. about 10 feet away. i was talking really loud to them about how them being too timid would get them killed. they both stared at me and we bonded. They didnt seem to care, they were pretty chill deer. plus i dont think they could of gotten far fast because of the terain. Finnaly we made it to the foot hills and started our journey back to the city. it was funny walking down the streets looking like a dirty mother fucker. everyone eyed us down as we ran across highways and yards. im sure we looked like a rough group. after we got back home to seattle we switched busses and ended up getting dropped of like 5 miles away from home so we walked some more. A shortcut through a parking garage for time. it was a dead end. i looked over the edge of the building to see if i could jump down. it was about 15 feet down but i saw bushes about 5 feet down. i tought id jump down on the bushes then down some more to the street. it was too dark and i couldent see that they were just really tall trimed trees. I jumped and fell much longer then expected and getting my pack stuck at the same time. i started laughing really hard untill tears were coming out of my eyes, and saw everyone rush to the edge to see if i was ok. When we finnaly got home 5 hours later i ate a buch of food and passed out.
im done with camping and hiking for the season or at least untill flordia.
ill be home for the holidays and a little work.
hopfully theres a sweet christmas/new years party somewhere.
i miss hanging out with all my friends although it was nice to see zac and isac again. seattles not for me. its too quiet and cleen. i want homless people to try and fight me when im walking to work and i want beer to rain down off roof tops. i know flordia wont give that to me but maybe the old folks will have more of the piss off attitude im looking for, i know they dont care for young dudes.
im not looking for miserable angry people but i want some soul.
i know i suck at spelling but what the fuck ever.