What did I do to celebrate the new year? Flew back from Maryland. Yay for surviving!
My mom came to pick me & Jen up at the airport and she brought my sis & my nephew with, which was quite adorable because Luke spotted us and came running for us, yelling my name. This picturesque moment was shattered when his pants started slipping down; he got distracted pulling them up and started running around in circles, forgetting all about his beloved aunt. Oh well. It was really cute while it lasted. And I saved him crackers shaped like airplanes which he was fairly impressed by.
I was tired enough from traveling that celebrating the new year didn't seem that important. I barely managed to stay up until midnight, kissed Jen, and promptly went to bed. Not my most enthusiastic new year.
Spent most of today packing up and getting back to the dorm, which we're currently trying to make livable again. We seriously need to wash out the fridge. It's gross.
So it doesn't much feel like New Year's Day.
I might post a x-mas haul list in a few days once I unpack. I didn't get anything particularly spectacular, so you're not missing much. Helen came by today to give me prezzies. She let her boyfriend help her pick out gifts again. *headdesk* Anybody want some hardcore lesbian porn?
The next three weeks are going to be pretty boring, with any luck. I am very okay with that. *cuddles compy* I missed my computer muchly.
Also, I have a killer bruise on my knee because Jen's mom's house tried to kill me. I was just reminded of this because Jen bumped into it, and you know what? Bruises HURT!
I don't think I have anything else to say. I don't want to go to work tomorrow. At least part of this is because I don't know if I have to or not. I'm splitting hours with somebody and she hasn't e-mailed me yet to let me know if she's working tomorrow or not. I guess, if I don't hear from her tonight, I will go in and be annoyed if she is there, too. *is annoyed*
The most important thing I did in the last month is get addicted to Scrubs. If you have never seen Scrubs, then you are a sad and deprived person. If do not believe me that this show is awesome, simply go watch
this lovely music video on youtube.
Okay, I'm done. I shall stop blathering and annoying my friends-list now.