Strep throat officially sucks. But on the upside, I got to go to the doctor who's known me since before I was born (literally - he did mom's pre-natal care), who I haven't seen in years, which was oddly pleasant.
And, if the flashbacks to childhood weren't strong enough already, he prescribed me liquid amoxycillin because my throat was hurting too much for me to want to think about opting for pills (in fact, I almost opted for the shot). So yes, I'm taking pink bubblegum flavored antibiotics that are one of my strongest, overriding memories from childhood, because I got a damn lot of throat and ear infections when I was little. Stupid tonsils.
In other news, I turn 21 in less than two weeks. Which is awesome. :)
My sister Susan gave me the option of, instead of getting a birthday present, her giving me cash right before I go to Amsterdam... which was obviously my pick. As she owes me approximately a half billion favors for reasons I won't go into now, this is a very good thing. Yay Amsterdam money!
This has been your RL update for the day. Fannish update pending due to the fact that I still haven't watch the finale of Numb3rs. It can't possibly upset me as much as CJ, can it? No, wait, don't tell me, I don't want to know.
Ooh, House finale tonight! I just remembered that and it brightens my day.
ETA: I almost forgot to mention, I
won second place at the weekly icon challenge over on
1 = The one that won.
2 = An alternate version of #1.
3 = The other icon I entered in the challenge.