Hong Kong/Macau and next year's plans

Dec 21, 2010 20:01

Back from my HK/Macau trip! I went with mom and dad and it was okay. I didn't end up screaming at them like I thought I would. :) Dad managed to get himself lost at the airport though. Recipe for disaster right there. Thankfully, we managed to find him after an hour and everything was smooth sailing from that point. It's my second time in Hong Kong so I wasn't that excited about going but it was a joy to see mom and dad getting awed by almost everything. XDD

I saw around 80 girls waiting for Yamapi at the airport when we got out around 1 PM. I pointed them out to my mom and she's like "what are they doing"? LOL. If only she knew I did the same thing for KAT-TUN in Taipei. ;)

It was a fun overseas trip all in all. Great shopping and sightseeing and the food is yummy. I got a nasty cold as souvenir though. :) I'll definitely come back, maybe with my sisters. But not next year. Because next year is KAT-TUN year!

That's right, I've finally decided on my plans for next year's concerts. I'll definitely be going to Taipei and Hawaii. And Seoul if we manage to get tickets. Next year is going to be so amazing... and expensive. XDD I've been undecided for so long about Hawaii because flying 10 hours (one way) just to watch a concert seems a bit excessive but my aunt invited me to visit them in Nashville, TN and she offered to pay for my airfare. I can't say no to that so yep, Hawaii here i come! krysyuy I'll see you there. :)

I'm pretty confident we'll get tickets for Taipei I'm a bit worried about Seoul. I know the last con sold out in 20 mins. Anybody know how else we can score tix?

KAT-TUN concert DVD out in a week! I just saw the CM and I'm stoked! *bounces* I hope i get my copies before New Year. I wanna start the New Year right by watching my KAT-TUN concert DVD. =)

Christmas in a few days. Happy Christmas everyone!!

kat-tun ninjaed its way to an rlpost, as if kat-tun isn't expensive enough, fangirling is an expensive hobby, leaving on a jetplane for hong kong, kat-tun owns my wallet, KAT-TUNのファンで幸せ, KAT-TUN 一生ついて行くよ, kat-tun owns my soul, i make lj posts about rl too

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