A very important question was asked yesterday. It was "What color are Alaric's (from TVD) eyes?"
Being all about the research I dug in, and after reveiwing many pretty gallaries and screen caps and episdoes, I have come to this conclusion: His eyes are blue, a sort of grey blue. However! the low lighting that most of the show is shot in often makes them appear more hazel. Because they are more grey his clothing choice also affects which color they appear. In person, face to face, with real light they would be blue though.
If you are interested, here are some examples:
Blue shirt, good light = blue eyes
Outside light, blue scarf = blue/grey eyes
Low lighting, brown jacket = eyes look light brown
Good lighting, brown jacket = eyes look grey/blue
Stright-on lighting even though in the dark, no color shirt = blue/grey
And here is one more that I just think is beautiful *pets*