Finally I'm going to finish the letter & data stuff for miki-chan. Finally!!
I wanted to send this letter for such a long time but I had to buy new DVD RAWs because the old ones didn't work with my Laptop anyhow & I always forgot when I was @ a store...
But saturday I remembered & bought some USB-Stick about 15GB & now - unlimited possibilities until they're not bigger than 15GB XD & a Dorama Episode is, regularly, smaller.
Rest of the day?
School was shitty, 8 hours sitting, okay German was okay because we uh... 'played' "Dantons Tod" (Stupid German literature for Class 12). Actually we only read out what was in the book & tried to do what is written there with our eyes on the text. Afterwards we sat (or lay... *watches Mirjam & Caro*) down anywhere & analyzed the stupid speech...
Relaxing, totally.
Uoh english, ne.. we received a work sheet, I was reading it & then the back of my hand began itching... so I scratched. & scratched. & scratched. I forgot to stop because I was so ceoncentrated on reading the text...
Yeah when I recognnized it the 1st layers of skin were missing... I hate it when I concentrate on sth I forget about the whole rest.
Then I came home & stuff, late & so on & unedible food & driving school. But surprisingly Moni kept her promise (I still don't know if I should start trusting in them again) & came, too & we sat there as a group of 3. Poor D, but hey I was good today... again... haha...
Now Im sitting around here & feel sick. Stomach & stuff. Nah... anyhow...
Tomorrow so much school again... I think it liked to be an asshole to me, uh?
That's my picture for arts now. It's not completely finished yet but I didn't have more time today. My teacher absolutely loves it, don't ask me why.
"No way, win the day... No way, I win the day..."