Feb 03, 2007 14:53
How I havent been here since last year - Well i decided to post some random things about myself cause - i figured i should update this thing and then also I dunno - update myself .... apparently alot of people still think Im the "goth chick" / "going towards the dark side" type girl and I never was that actually....
I find it funny too cause i had a few "friends" from high school come up to me some time after graduation and say - "we never liked you, the only reason why we hung out with you and stuff is cause we had too, and our friends were friends with your friends - blah blah blah" you get the idea.
Well i have to say something to that - you didnt have to hang out wiht me - and you didnt have to pretend to be my friend - I already knew that! - Honestly have to say the class of 05 wasn't all that great - I think I would have rather not graduated - get held back for the year and graduate with 06 - but then again - no class is perfect so i guess 05 is good! ----- enough of me complaining
OH and by the way - I never was going to the "dark side" ------ some people may have heard me talking about it - I was never going to the "dark side" ----- the "dark side" was the name of my sister's boyfriend's Hockey team and i went to go watch them play every now and then - (at the time boyfriend anyways)
So watch out for the rumors - not all are true - in fact most arent true!
I have changed completely ........
I am not that girl anymore - for sure! Random Facts:
I dislike wearing black - yes i have to wear to work and thats the only time i wear it! - i dont wear black anymore.
I'd wear khakis and collared shirt over jeans and a Tshirt - its more comfortable to me....
I enjoy "goofin" with my sister and hanging out with her.
I enjoy going to school - yes I said school ....
I like Biology class and I love ASL class (so much fun)
I have 15 credits this semester, two jobs - and im bored
in my spare time i listen to music (that hasnt changed) and read books, and study and i like to write
i love stouffer's mac n cheese but I dislike Kraft mac n cheese - lol - yes i know its wierd
i dislike the words :
OLD : when its describing someone's age - you are never old - if you feel young thats the age you are. i dislike it when its being used as "Im old" when your like turning 30 - give me a break!
CANT: who said you cant do anything - you CAN do anything - dont be negative - but if its used as "i cant remember" - then its fine!
HANGIN' : I dont know why - its a long story - i just dont like that word
There are more - but they are unknown on the top of my head!
I love both my jobs - American Eagle and The palace
And last but not least - as little as I see them I love all my friends to death!
I consider most of them - like siblings - more than friends
Inspiration is the best feeling - EVER!
well enough with this - im back to my biology homework - i will for sure try and update more than once every 3 months
if you dont hear from me from email/myspace/facebook - etc. You will for sure be able to see what im up too here!
love y'all lots n lots