(no subject)

Dec 07, 2004 21:17

So, I've disappeared from the world lately and I'm almost ready to reappear but I have to finish a 20 page paper by tomorrow--I have about 2 sentences. I realize I shouldn't be complaining--my paper on stroboscopic images and visual pathways of complex motion sounds infinitely more entertaining than what my friends in Law School are doing...maybe I should rethink this law school thing??? In any case, things are kind of starting to calm down for me. The Black Box show that I co-directed is now over and I am so glad--no more dealing with cranky musicians and desperate midnight meetings! We sold out all three shows--pretty exciting! Check out the neat article written about it at http://www.cornellsun.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2004/11/10/419199ad4da33

The December concert was wierd this year--we had ballroom dancers and 12-year old hip-hoppers, men in tutus, and really creepy dolls on remote control cars. And apparently the female ballroom dancer was so offended by the fact that there was only one dressing room for both guys and girls and that there were girls changing costumes in the same room as her boyfriend/dance partner that she sent complaining e-mails to faculty and administration...WOW.

I just had a really HUGE dinner too...I was at a friend's house and between all of us (seven people) we made a mountain of yummyness...pasta with really good sauce, wine, and homemade apple-cranberry pie (dough from scratch too)--I love peeling apples.

My computer broke:(--which sucks because I haven't really had to write that many papers this semester but now I have to write like six in the span of a few days so I've been living in the library waiting for compters to be free--grrr. It's a brand new computer too...I have no idea what I did to it...

My friend Jessica, who got married this summer--her husband left for Iraq a couple of weeks ago--kind of scary--I'm looking forward to spending some time with her when I go home.

On a totally unrelated note (like the rest of this is so coherent)--I am in drastic need of a haircut. I'm starting to look like Cousin IT.
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