Jul 10, 2008 17:46
Just a quick post to get a couple things off my chest. I was almost certain that this last test I had was going to be a huge disappointment, as usual. Thought I did, at least ok on the past 3 exams and they always returned with a slap in the face to my ego. So I talked to my professor about my grade and I have to get tests in the B range to at least do decent in the class, all I'm asking for is a C here so I can fucking take more CS classes and get my college career done with at a reasonable time rather then the constant set backs of not planning everything out properly.
I'll start with that. So basically, I need CS1 and Descrete Structures to be able to take CS2, which your supposed to take at the same time. I found out late about descrete structures and joined the friday of that week, I came into a fucking test that day. I was like... what??? So that was already bad news, my professor was practically abysmal at the subject matter and his tests didn't make any amount of sense, so I dropped that class. So that was my first set back since I had to wait a semester to take descrete structures with a teacher that actually knew wtf he was talking about, and because of that, I did good in the class. So, semester after that I take CS2, then get mono, which basically made me not go to class for 3 weeks. It was proven that I had mono, but I had symptoms of it, I don't know if that can happen due to a relapse, but I found out later that I already had mono once in my life so that might have been the case. But when they treated it like I had mono I got better, actually had energy and it was nice. I tried one day during that period to actually go to class, like maybe it was just an all in my head type of thing. No, worst idea ever! I had trouble breathing and my body felt like it was about to fall over.
Anyways! So I wasn't able to do CS2 that semester because of mono that I got decently early in the semester. So next semester I try again, work at the course like I go about normal courses, even CS1. WORST idea ever, that class kicked my ass.
So now, in the summer, I'm very motivated to just fucking kill this course. I've had the same teacher 3 times, as one way to make it easier since it's the same programs each time, but I never got past the first two projects either time. So I did a litle research, and went to ratemyprofessor.com. Basically a lot of people thought what I did, that he's a really good teacher, knows his material really well and is caring, but he's fucking hard as shit. His tests are the equivelant of brutal, you have to really fucking know your shit down to a T. No room for kind of knowing the material, you have to really know what the fuck your talking about here. Same goes with the coding. I also found out that this is a course that the CS department uses to weed people out, which I didn't know before. If I had known that, I would have taken it way more seriously since their making it hard for a reason. So it's kind of late for that, but dammit, I'm trying extra fucking hard now. It kind of sucks for me to realize that I needed to attack this course as hard as fucking possible after 2 previous attempts and during a summer course. Also the fact that this class, where they constantly throw shit at you going twice as fast, is fucking brutal as fuck.
On the bright side of things, this class really is teaching me programming really well. I attained a good backbone through CS1, with all the basics of programming, but this class, with my current professor is really helping me knowledge wise. It also might have been because my first teacher wasn't as good... I don't know, but the past few days in class, I've actually known some of the answers the professor asks us. I NEVER know those answers, which is why I never raise my hand to answer those questions, because I always feel like an idiot. I just save what I know for actually getting the work done, because I get the answers at my own pace that way.
Well... this didn't end up being short at all! Oh well... I kind of just wanted to say how fucking brutal this course actually is, and how much I underestimated it's sheer brutalness. I basically spend all my time working on this one fucking class. I don't have much time for doing other things anymore, and I really do hate having to tell friends this that are like hey! come hang out and what not. I would fucking LOVE to, but I'm really in a shitty situation here. I have to really devote everything to this class because it's fucking eat my soul.
At the very fucking least, saturday will be the only breath of fresh air I'll get this entire month. Since I got a B on that test, I'm not withdrawing from the class, and I'm giving it my god damn all. No room for fuck ups, I have to fucking do this, because I'm sick of going about my major at a snails pace due to all these fucking set backs.
Oh one last thing for anyone who has even read this far! I'm addicted to It's always sunny in philidelphia at the moment. The show is fucking hilarious and I hold it up there with Arrested Development in awesome factor. Speaking of AD, movie confirmed 100% ='s very mother fucking YES!
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