A good film. A really good film. I was pleasantly surprised. All the flaming on the BBM boards had left me with the feeling that this movie must be a fraud. But I could relate to it. It's a variation on the 'butterfly effect'. Action and reaction. How you act and react has an effect on the next person and that person processes that impulse and gives it in a certain way on to the next person and so on and so on. The interrelatedness of our existence and how it's up to every individual to 'break the chain', to stop the harming and turn to the healing. I like that.
What the film shows is how hard it is to step outside acquired patterns of behavior and ingrained action/reaction reflexes. How pain, in whatever way inflicted or suffered, can contort and obstruct tolerance and humanity and clear thinking. Surprisingly, CRASH ultimately seems to make the same plea as BBM does which is: embrace humanity; don't cause pain; be tolerant.
The simple reason why I favour Brokeback Mountain over CRASH is that nobody has ever dealt with the subject of intolerance against homosexuality in the way that BBM does whereas racism (as a synonym for 'strange', 'different', 'not-mainstream') has been featured widely before. When I saw BBM for the first time, I cried. And cried. And cried. At the same time, I was so happy that SOME PEOPLE had DARED to write/shoot/produce this movie. This groundbreaking movie. CHRASH is not groundbreaking. But it is important and very well made. BBM should have won the Oscar. But CRASH is a worthy runner-up.
One valuable link for a FAQ list for CRASH: