i love the fishies!
so i've decided that the freshmen rock hXc (a few in particular are SUPER KOOL) and all in all i think they are stupendous. I miss freshman year...oh those were the good days.
so this just in:
- i'm going to prom in 3 years with one of the koolest kids ever
- tomorrow is the declared Katie Lemmon Green Day, so be sure to wear GREEN
- I am sick and whoever is responsible, will suffer the consequences
- The weather has been wonderful
- I love everyone at CAHS right now.
all you kids rock my socks and i can't wait until spring break. let's hang out, i promise it'll be fun. I've already got ideas in mind.
p.s...kenneth is awesome, katie is grrreat, and it's kool to spell things with 'k's.