Krista Perry has not only updated, but finished her Ranma 1/2 fanfic "Hearts of Ice".
Stop whatever you're doing. Because this is a BIG. FUCKING. DEAL.
There are some fics that change the way you remember a series. They become your personal canon. They are usually long, EPIC TO THE EXTREME, and a huge emotional investment, and there's usually only one per series that can hold such a place in your heart. These are the fics that you check every day to see if the author has updated yet. Some examples that come to mind are:
Harry Potter:
After the End Inuyasha: although many would pick Niamh's Of Gods and Monsters, and Ookami's
Turnabout is Fair Play is also amazing and well-known, my personal Epic!fic for IY is Rozefire's
Dead Famous.
Doctor Who:
Chaos Theory in Vortex Orbits in Relative Dimensions in Time and Space Labyrinth: K L Morgan's
A Forfeit of Dreams And, of course, for Ranma 1/2: Krista Perry's
Hearts of Ice.
"Hearts of Ice" first gained notoriety back in 1997. I didn't discover it until a few years later, when I was 12 years old. There are no words to describe how brilliantly and poignantly written this fic is; it's truly a masterpiece. It made a huge impact on me, and how I looked at not just Ranma 1/2 fandom, but quality of internet fandom as a whole.
But the last two chapters were missing.
Krista Perry wrote up to a cliffhanger, two chapters away from the end, and then took a hiatus.
Ten years of cliffhanger, my friends! I checked the website occasionally for the first few months, but then moved on to other things. Forgot about it. Until just yesterday, when
_midoriko_sama_ posted on her Livejournal that SHE HAD UPDATED.
Writing this post is like trying to describe how Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows made you feel when you finally, finally held it in your hands, knowing that you were about to end a journey you started ten years ago, when you were a child... and began to read it for the first time. And indeed, I haven't gone on such a reading spree since "Deathly Hallows"; I came home from work, started from the beginning, and read for a FULL. TEN. HOURS.
It was... so beautiful. I can't believe it. There are no words.
I cried.