Transcription is from the DOE Corpus (without permission, so don't using this for anything), which in turn is from Thorpe 1840: Thorpe, 1840 II, 394-400; Thorpe, B. Ancient Laws and Institutes of England , 2 vols., folio ed. in 1 vol., Great Britain Public Records Commission 28 (London).
This is clunky, imperfect, and a work in progress. I am definitely going for identifying key passages first and fussing with finer points after. Corrections welcome.
[0001 (1)] Ic bidde eow & eadmodlice lære, men þa læofestan, þæt ge wepen on þisse medmiclan tide for eowrum synnum forþan þe on þam toweardan life ure tearas for naht beoð getealde.
I beseech you and humbly/kindly urge you, beloved men, that you weep/complain/mourn in this short time for your sins because on/in that future life our tears will be counted for naught. [or is the sense uncountable/without number?]
[0002 (4)] Her gehyrð Drihten þa þe hine biddað & him sylleð heora synna forgyfnessa.
Here, the Lord judges/grants/listens to? [what?]… you ask/pray of him (but acc) and him (dat) - shit. come back to this.
[0003 (5)] Her he is swiðe forebyrdig ofer us ac he is þær swiðe reðe.
[0004 (6)] Her is his mildheortnes ofer us ac þær is se eca dom.
[0005 (7)] Her is seo lænlice winsumnes ac þær is seo syngale nearones.
[0006 (8)] Her synt þisse weorolde wynlustas ac þær synt þa ecan tintregu.
[0007 (9)] Her is hlehter ac þær is se ungeendoda heaf.
[0008 (10)] Ðær beoð þonne ure hrægla fretwodnes on þam ecan fyre widnode.
[0009 (11)] Her is ures modes upahafennes ac þær is þære þystro dymnes.
[0010 (12)] Ongytað nu þas, men þa leofestan, þe eow towearde synt & symble beo gesorhfulle for eowre sawle hælo.
[0011 (14)] Wepað on þisse worulde þæt ge ne þurfen eft wepan þone ungeendedan wop.
[0012 (15)] Geeadmedað eow her þæt ge ne syn þær geniðrade & þæt ge ne syn sende on þa ytemestan þistro & on þæt unadwescedlice fyr.
[0013 (18)] Eala man þa leofestan, hwa is æfre swa heardre heortan þæt he ne mæge wepan þa toweardan witu & him þa ondrædan?
[0014 (20)] Hwæt is us la selre on þisse weorolde þonne we symble ure synna hreowe don & hi mid ælmessan lysan þæt we þurh þa ælmessan þa ecan tintrega magon genesan forþon þe þeos worold gewit & ealle þa þe on hyre synd & þonne mid ure sawle anre we sculon Gode ælmihtigum riht agyldan.
[0015 (24)] Ne mæg þær þonne gefultmian se fæder þæm suna ne se suna þæm fæder ac sceal þonne anra gehwilc æfter his agenum gewyrhtum beon demed.
[0016 (27)] Eala, þu man, hwæt dest þu þæt þu ne sy þam dumban nytene gelic?
Alas, you man, what [do you?] that you are not like the dumb beast?
[0017 (28)] Geþenc & ongyt hu micel gedal God betweox us gesceop.
Think upon/ponder (imp?) and understand/recognize how much/great the division/distinction/difference (n/a sg or pl) God created/ordered/formed/made between us.
[0018 (29)] He sende on þa sawle andgyt þæt nafað þæt nyten.
He sent understanding/intellect to/into the soul that the beasts do not have.
[0019 (30)] Eala þu man, waca & gebide & miltsa þe þa hwile þe þu mæge.
[0020 (31)] Gemun þæt Drihten for þe of þæm hean heofone on þas neowlan gesceaft niðerastah to þæm þæt he þe to þæm uplican life gelædde.
[0021 (33)] Ne mæg us þonne ure gold ne ure seolfer gefylstan of þæm wælgrimmum tintregum & þæm unadwæscedlicum ligum & þæm undeadlicum wyrmum þa hwettað hyra blodigan teð to þon þæt hig butan ælcre mildheortnisse urne lichoman wundian & slitan.
Nor may our gold or silver help/protect us when/then? from the cruel/violent/fierce/bloody torments and the unquenched fires and the immortal worms that sharpen their bloody teeth [???] without any mercy wound [why inf?] and tear our bodies.
[0022 (38)] Þonne þa byman syngað & hig micelre stemne ciað & cweðað ærost to þæm soðfæstan, Arisað ge Cristes þa gecorenan, efne nu eow cymð se heofenlica cyning & ge þone undeadlican brydguman geseoð þone ge ær lufadan þæs willan ge ær on eorðan worhtan.
[0023 (42)] Arisað & geseoð þone micclan & þone andrisnlican cyning, cumað nu & onfoð swilc wuldor swilce eage ne geseah ne eare ne gehyrde ne on mannes heortan ne astah swilce eow God todæg forgyfð.
[0024 (45)] Ongen þæt þonne hu ungelicne cwide hig beoð cwæþende to þæm synfullan, Arisað ge arleasan & synfullan, efne todæge ge beoð forlætene on þone neowlan helleseað & þær byð eower eadignes & blis & eower gefea on forwyrde.
[0025 (49)] Eala hu earme & hu ungesælige þa beoð þe hig sylfe swa Godes bebodu forreceleasiað þæt hig þisne egeslican cwide gehyran sculon.
Alas how miserable and how unhappy they are [who? that? themselves?] [as?] neglect God’s commandments [?] that they must (past though?) hear this (acc sg) terrible speech/judgment.
[0026 (52)] & forþonne ne sculon we næfre sorhlease beon ac symble urne deaðes dæg beforan ures lichoman eagum settan forþan þisre weorolde wuldor is scort & feallende & fleonde & earme synt þises middaneardes gestreon.
[0027 (55)] Hwær synt þa cyningas þe geo wæron & þa welegan þisse weorolde?
[0028 (56)] Hwær is nu heora gold & heora hrægelgefrætwodnes?
Where, now, is their gold and their fine clothing?
[0029 (57)] Wala þæt for swa scortum life to swa langum deaðe hi synt lædde, for swa midmicelre blisse to swa langre unrotnesse, for swa litlum leohte to swa miclum þystrum, for swa medmiclum gestreone to swa heardum & swa hefigum tyntregum, for swa sceortum hleahter to swa langum & biterum tearum.
Alas that for [? or prep w.d.a. before? or f str, n sg? or past 3 sg of faran=it happened?] such a short life to such a long death they are led, for? such short bliss to such long sadness, for such little light to such great darkness, for such a little treasure/property to such hard and heavy tortures, for? such short laughter to such long and bitter tears.
[0030 (63)] Þær synt þa þystran & þa unadwæscedlican fyr, ðær synt þa heardan & þa biteran wununga, þær synt þa unmætan tyntregu & þa wita on þam.
There is the darkness and the unquenched fire, there are the hard and bitter dwelling-places, there are the innumerable punishments and the unspeakable injuries [in that place? to those? sort this]
[0031 (65)] Þa earman þe nu Godes bebodu hyrwiað þa beoð cwylmede & him ne bið næfre nan rest seald buton emne þy dæge þe Drihten Hælend Crist of deaðe aras.
[0032 (69)] Magon we nu gehyran secgan be suman halgan men se wæs on gastlice gesyhðe gelæded.
Let us now listen to the speaker/teller concerning a certain holy man who was led on a spiritual vision.
[0033 (70)] He geseah sumes mannes sawle seo wæs genyded þæt heo sceolde of hyre lichoman utgangan ac seo earme sawl ne dorste utgan forþam þe heo geseah þa awyrgedan gastas beforan hyre standan.
[0034 (73)] Ða þæt deofol hyre to cwæð, Hwæt is þis þæt þu dest?
[0035 (74)] To hwan yldst þu þæt þu ut ne gange?
[0036 (75)] Wen is þæt Michael se heah engel cume mid engla þreate & þe genime raðe?
[0037 (76)] Ða sum oðer deofol him andwyrde & cwæð, Ne þurfe ge eow ondrædan, ic wat hyre worc & ic symble mid hyre wæs dæges & nihtes.
[0038 (78)] Seo earme sawel hig þa wæs behealdende & heo ongan earmlice cleopian & cwæð, wa me earmre, to hwon sceolde ic æfre gesceapen beon oððe for hwon sceolde ic æfre ingangan on þisne fulestan & wyrrestan lichoman?
[0039 (82)] Heo þa locade to hyre lichoman & cwæð, wa þe þu, earma lichoma, þu þe wære nimende fremdra manna speda & þu þe æfre wære ofer eorðan welena strynende & þu þe gefrætwodest þe mid deorwurðe hrægle & þu þe wære reod & ic me wæs blac, þu wære glæd & ic me wæs unrot, þu hloge & ic weop.
[0040 (87)] Eala þu earma, nu þu byst geworden þæt fuleste hreaw & wyrma mete.
Lo you miserable one, now you are become
[0041 (88)] Þu rest þe nu medmicle tid on eorðan & ic mid sare & geomurunge to helle sceal beon læded.
[0042 (89)] Se lichoma þa ongan þa swiðe swætan & mislic hiw bredan.
[0043 (90)] Þæt deofol ongan þa cleopian & cwæð, stingað hyne mid sare on his eagan forþan eal swa hwæt swa he mid his eagan geseah unrihtes ealles he his gyrnde.
[0044 (93)] Stingað hyne mid sare on his muð forþon eal swa hwæt swa hyne lyste etan oððe drincan oððe sprecan eall he hit aræfnde.
[0045 (95)] Stingað hyne mid sare on his heortan forþon þe on hyre ne wunode arfæstnis ne mildheortnes ne Godes lufu.
[0046 (97)] Hig genaman þa þa earman sawle mid micle sare & geomorunge & hi asettan ofer hyre þa sweartestan fyðra & mid þi þe hi wæron ferende seo earme sawl geseah miccle beorohtnesse.
[0047 (100)] Heo axode þa deoflu, hwæt seo beorohtnysse wære?
[0048 (101)] Hig hyre andwyrden & cwæden, ne ongytst þu þæt hit is heofona rices gefea þanon þu wære utgangende þa þu on þinne lichoman ineodest?
[0049 (103)] Nu þu færst þurh þa fægerestan & þa beorhtestan wununga ac þu þær ne most wunian.
[0050 (105)] Nu þu gehyrst engla þreatas & þu gesyhst eallra haligra beorohtnessa & swaþeah þe nis lyfed þær to eardianne.
[0051 (107)] Seo earme sawl þa ongan mid micelre sare & wope heofian & cwæð, wa me þæt ic æfre swa earm middaneardes leoht geseon sceolde.
[0052 (109)] Ða deoflu hig þa gelæddan & wepende & geomrigende hy sealdon suman fyrenan dracan se ontynde his þa fyrenan & þa scearpestan goman & he hig swealh & hig eft aspaw on þa hattestan ligas.
[0053 (112)] Ic eow þonne bidde, men þa leofestan, þæt we þonne þis on bysne asettan, þeah we þillico wito witan & gelifen þonne hwæðere ne sceolon we næfre geortrywan be Godes mildheortnesse.
[0054 (115)] Ac us gedafenað mid micelre eaðmodnysse gyrnan to þam ecean gefean þær nis deaðes ege ne deofles costnung ac þær is geogoð butan yldo & leoht butan þistro & gefea butan unrotnysse, þær is rest butan gewinne, þær synt þa readbesewan blostman growende þa næfre ne forweorniað.
[0055 (120)] Þær næfre heaf ne geomorung ne gnornunge ne granunge bið gehyred, ðær ne bið næfre wite gesewen ne gefeled ne þær næfre bið biternes ne gesweorcnesse stow gemeted ne þær næfre þunorrada ne beoð ne ligettas lihtes gesawen ac þær is aa singalic organa sweg þe from englum & heahenglum on þæs hehstan Cyninges gesihðe bið sungen.
[0056 (126)] Eala ge men þa leofestan, ongytað þæt þonne hu swiðe us is to geþenceanne se towearda ege & forþæm we sculon geþencean þæt þis lif is lænlic þæt we nu on libbað & hit is gewinful & tyddre & feallende & earm & biswicol eallum þæm þe hit lufiað.
[0057 (131)] On gewinne we libbað & on sare we sweltað & þonne æfter þises lifes geendunge ða earman & þa synfullan þa þe nu nellað heora synna hreowe don & ælmessan syllan on helletintrego hig beoð lædde & þær for hyra wondædum unmæte tintrego þrowiende, þær beoð þa earman sawla ahangene ofer þa hatestan ligeas & þær þonne beoð forðriccende & gebundene & ofdune aworpene on þa sweartestan stowe, þillica wita þa synfullan beoð þrowiende & ealra swiðost þa þe nu nane mildheortnesse nabbað wið hyra gyltyndum.
[0058 (140)] Ac uton cyrran to þam beteran & geearnian þæt ece rice mid Criste & mid eallan his Halgan on ealra worulda woruld a butan ende, Amen.