May 19, 2011 07:11
While watching Mythbusters last night I noticed something come out of hiding and then go back.
As you know my Cat, Tenjin. Was originally a feral cat for his first 10 weeks. He LOVES to spend time outside. Therefore similar to the the last several cats I have own, they get a Cat door. it has it's advantages and disadvantages. Your cat get's a lot of exercise, you never had to open or close the door for them. But occasionally they bring in their kills.. or friends they want to bring into the house for a playdate.
Usually when this happens you might see headless rodents, or the grizzly remains.
It seems Tenjin the night before brought in a baby bunny rabbit from outside to be his indoor companion. My fiance was not pleased one bit. It was hideously cute. smaller then a soda can. And my fiancee would not let me, or my cat keep it.
I was able to capture the cute little guy and release it back outside.
and of course when my cat finally made an appearance he was wondering where his little bunny buddy went.