Feb 09, 2006 12:13
So i recently posted a complaint to City TV (everywhere - sorry couldn't help it) about their shit day time movies. Here's the thing, i don't watch soaps and i like a little background noise when making lunch: enter day time movie hell. Lets just say i can no longer accept the fact that they incessantly play terrible movies like "Deadly Whispers" staring Tony Danza (and let me tell you he is no longer the boss) at least twice a month. I simply said that while i don't expect greatness i do expect variety in my mediocrity. BASTARDS!!! Then i realized i was officially eighty years old and might as well have been writing to complain about nudity on late night tv. Two words, Oy Vey! Well i would say more but its definitely time to wrap the couch in plastic and change my adult diapers. Oh 26... here you come...