Feb 07, 2006 11:49
Look out below!!! My mind has officially exploded, and i'm certain that there are large shards of thoughts, falling everywhere... I like 3 things in this world, The Princess Bride, Tony and Dead Like Me. Little did I know how interconnected they all were for last night it was revealed to me that lovable old Rube was also lovable old Inigo Montoya. {enter quadruple take here} Holy secret identity Mandy Patinkin!!!! Whats up with that!! Also, I recently found out that my cousin is dating the brother in law of a girl I work with! As if this in itself isn't strange enough my dad and the dad of the brother in law have know each other for years through work. To sum up: WEIRD! In other news, my grandad recently had part of his ear removed due to cancer, and luckily they think they have it all. Although I think this will be the year that they will have to move into a retirement community as my grandads alzheimer's increasing in strength. Job search is ongoing, but so far nothing really interesting has come up. ATTENTION EVERYONE!!!! COMING SOON!! A special day that we can all enjoy, after all it is the month of february right? What day could command so much attention! What day can strike fear in the hearts of people everywhere? What day is the cause of most financial ruin in the world? My birthday of course! So take this as your official warning, March 25th, write it down people, this is important.