Title: Hookups and Emoticons
Author: k_chan91
Disclaimer: Last Christmas I wished I could own Yunho...but I guess I was a naughty girl...T.T
Pairings: Yoosu (friends...?), HyukSu, Yunjae, Jaemin, KiMin, HanSiChul
Length: [2/?]
Genre: crack, romance
Rating: PG/PG-13
Warning: Some language, some mentions of smex, Chat world!
Junsu: 8D
Yoochun: >.>
Yunho: <3 JJ 4evah
Jaejoong: Omg~
Changmin: I pwnz
Making and breaking relationships has never been this instant~
dbkrackweens is the place to be~ :D
1 - Storytelling and Chinese Accents ||
Chapter 2 - Corndogs and O's
Thursday, November 5, 11:02AM
*** SUnny has signed in
SUnny: I shall wait. >:D
SUnny: ...a minute just went by....
SUnny: Lalalalala...
SUnny: Tell me your wish! I'm a genie for ya, boy!
SUnny: WHERE IS HE??????
*** Chunderful has signed in
SUnny: Yay! :D
Chunderful: Miss the sound of my voice yet? *growl*
SUnny: =.= I'm logging off now.
Chunderful: Don't run from the sexy *growl*
*** SUnny has signed out
Chunderful: ....
Chunderful: Junsu? ....o.o"
Chunderful: ....
*** SUnny has signed in
SUnny: Ha! Gotcha!
SUnny: O.O Are you broken?
SUnny: I don't follow this.....
SUnny: Stoop it! Dx
SUnny: *stop
SUnny: OKAY OKAY! @.@ If you'll stop doing that, I'll let you top!
Chunderful: OOO
Chunderful: Really?
SUnny: Haha~ Nah~ :D
Chunderful: Tease!
SUnny: I <3 chu~
Chunderful: ...I heart chu too.... >.>
Chunderful: ...
Chunderful: Hello?
Chunderful: ....Juuuuuuuuuusu....
Chunderful: Where'd you go?
Chunderful: BOO!
Chunderful: ....AGAIN he left meh????!!!!
Chunderful: Omo....
Chunderful: He's...he's.......DEAD!!!!!!
Chunderful: My bestestest friend!
Chunderful: EVAH!
Chunderful: WITH THE HUGE BUTT!!!!!
Chunderful: ;akdjfao;kfj;akjfo;JFAO;EFJ;KSFJ;OAWUR8FOVIARJFIWJRHOIUIOUO&*(&*&&(*(&*(**%&^&%#$@$%^&*)&*^%$#@!$#%^&*()*&^%$#
SUnny: Back! :D
SUnny: o.o What are you doing...?
Chunderful: He's....alive.....
SUnny: Of course! I'm Junsu. I'll never die. :D
Chunderful: Yay.
SUnny: Teacher started stalking me. >.> She's scary. I had to pretend I was researching information on hookworms
Chunderful: How'd that work out for ya?
SUnny: ....I won't be able to sleep tonight..... x.o
Chunderful: Oh, that's okay. You can sleep over at my house. I'll protect you from the monster hookworms. But that doesn't mean you'll be getting any sleep. ;D
SUnny: Hey, you know Yunho?
Chunderful: Smooth conversation shift....
Chunderful: YunhoYunho.
Chunderful: You know you know.
Chunderful: Yunho you know. Heh heh.
SUnny: Shut up! I'm talking about my friend Yunho!
Chunderful: You know you know I know you know Yunho knows Yunho you hoe~
SUnny: Wait...you do know him....don't you?
Chunderful: Who knows Yunho you know you know who knows who Yunho knows~
SUnny: Do ya know him?
Chunderful: Don't cha wish you're girlfriend was hot. Like. Me~
SUnny: Yes. Yes I do. =.=
Chunderful: Yes!
SUnny: Do you know him???
Chunderful: Yes.
Chunderful: Wait. No.
SUnny: Dx Which is it????
Chunderful: UMMMMMM is he that guy that groped you that one time on the bus?
SUnny: NO!
Chunderful: Ah, good. Cuz that was creepy. Are you sure you didn't know that guy?
SUnny: Of course not.
Chunderful: Or maybe it was that guy that grabbed your butt while you were at the urinal. Ugh. People have no class.
Chunderful: And why are you such a child molestation target??
SUnny: I'm adorable?
Chunderful: Don't steal my arrogance.
Chunderful: It's MINE.
Chunderful: No seriously. Are you okay? Need some Chun Protection? People seem to grope you a lot.
Chunderful: I haven't even gotten to do that. D:<
SUnny: =.= Is that a goal of yours?
Chunderful: Nah~ I'd rather verbally harass you.
SUnny: We're online....
Chunderful: ....o.o....I'd rather....internetally harass you...
SUnny: Fail.
Chunderful: WHO IS YUNHO????
SUnny: My friend!
Chunderful: I thought I was your friend. D:
SUnny: You're my bestestest friend. He's my best friend. :D
Chunderful: How come you've never introduced me to your bestest friend? D<
SUnny: ....I dunno....o.o" And he's not my bestest friend. He's my best friend.
SUnny: You're my bestestest friend~<3
SUnny: And hey! How come you've never introduced me to Jaejoong? D<
Chunderful: Never thought about it.
Chunderful: But at least you've SEEN him and you KNOW who he IS. Who the hell is Yunho?????
SUnny: You've seen him!
Chunderful: ...
SUnny: .....He's the class president....o.o"
Chunderful: ...
SUnny: Of our...class...
Chunderful: ...
SUnny: You really shouldn't sleep so much in school...=_=
Chunderful: What about Hoyun?
Chunderful: I know!
SUnny: *smacks you*
Chunderful: *rapes you*
SUnny: O.O
Chunderful: Don't mess with the Chun~
SUnny: Anyway, you know Yunho...
Chunderful: You know I know Yunho~
SUnny: And I know Yunho...
Chunderful: we know you know I know Yunho
SUnny: And you know Jaejoong...
Chunderful: Yunho knows you know Jaejoong knows~
SUnny: And I...vaguely know Jaejoong...
Chunderful: know know know know Ho know no~
SUnny: So let's hook them up! :D
Chunderful: Yunho knows I know you know you know you know you know don't know that you
Chunderful: Wait. What?
SUnny: We're playing Cupid<3
SUnny: I'll be the cute version of Cupid. You be the Other version. xP
Chunderful: No, wait. Why are we
Chunderful: CRAP. Librarian.
Chunderful: AFK
SUnny: This is going to be so much fun!
SUnny: Making love between two other people
SUnny: O.O
SUnny: Wait...that didn't sound right....
SUnny: ....Wasn't that your cue to make a perverted joke....?
SUnny: ....
SUnny: HELLLLLLLLO IN THERE.......there........there.................there............
SUnny: YOOCHUN!!!!!!! D'8
Chunderful: Back. Okay, why are we hooking up Jaejoong and Yunho?
SUnny: You're alive! :'D
Chunderful: Duh. I was AFK
SUnny: ..........
Chunderful: ....AFK?
SUnny: ..........?
Chunderful: Away From Keyboard......?
SUnny: ????
Chunderful: Hah. The librarian came over and was all like "WHATAREYOUDOING???" and then I was all like "NOTHING!AHHHH!" and then she was like "HELPMEGETABOOKOFFTHETOPSHELF!!" and then I was like "ISN'TTHATYOURJOB???" and then.....okay. You get the picture? I had to leave the keyboard for a while.
Chunderful: Okay?
SUnny: I can't understand Hankyung's Chinese and you expect me to translate internet speak????
Chunderful: ...So what about Yunho and Jaejoong....?
SUnny: Oh yeah! :D We're gonna play Cupid~<3
Chunderful: Okay.
Chunderful: Why?
SUnny: Cuz.
SUnny: Yunho called me last night and we started talking and first we started talking about Heechul's life being more awesome than ours and then we started talking about Jaejoong cuz he broke up the SiHan fight and then I wanted to start talking about Kingdom Hearts but Yunho kept trying to bring the conversation back to Jaejoong and I was all like "Dude, why do you like Jaejoong more than Kingdom Hearts?? Sora is AWESOME." And then he was like "Cuz I really think I like him..." And then I was like, "Dude. NO ONE and NOTHING is better than Sora or anything else in Kingdom Hearts" and then he was all like "Jaejoong is...." and I was all like "Dude. Not even Yoochun is better than Kingdom Hearts." And don't get all excited cuz I used your name in a conversation. I was just saying, so don't start drooling over yourself. And so then Yunho was all like, "Well, isn't your friend friends with Jaejoong?" And then I really wasn't getting it for some reason, so I was like, "Huh? Yeah, man." And then Yunho was like, "Well could you ask him to maybe...um...and Jaejoong...and...yeah." And THAT'S when it hit me that YUNHO L-O-V-E-S J.A.E.J.O.O.NG. And so yeah, man, we have to hook them up.
SUnny: They'd be such a cute couple~
SUnny: Hello? You didn't die again did you?
Chunderful: Shut up. I'm still reading. How do you type so fast??
SUnny: I'm awesome.
SUnny: Finished yet?
SUnny: Lalala~
Chunderful: Okay done.
SUnny: So this is what I was thinking...
Chunderful: You called Yunho last night?
SUnny: Yeah. So I was thinking we should get Yunho to wait in the 2nd floor bathroom, right?
Chunderful: ...You didn't call me.
SUnny: Yeah, cuz I chatted with you. Online. Now shut up so I can tell you my plan before I get kicked out of the computer lab. And then you could tell Jaejoong to meet you in that bathroom, but of course, you won't be there.
Chunderful: So you'd rather chat with me...than speak to me on the phone.
SUnny: I talk to you all the time. Just not on the phone last night. I told you I had to do homework
Chunderful: Yeah. And then you stopped talking to me on the INTERNET so you could listen to Yunho's deeper-than-mine voice on the phone???
SUnny: No! D: He called to ask about a math problem
Chunderful: You suck at math!
SUnny: Well at least ONE of my friends believes in me. Dx
Chunderful: Well, why didn't you call me after all this happened? Huh, bestestest friend?
SUnny: *sigh* I was finishing my homework and it tired me out. And then Hyukjae came over and he tired me out. ;D So then I had just enough energy to watch Kara Bakery before I went to bed.
Chunderful: You'd rather spend the rest of your energy watching a BAKERY than play with me?
SUnny: But I love that show!
Chunderful: I thought you loved meh!
SUnny: I do! But I can have you more times than once every Thursday at 9:30!
Chunderful: You can have me any time, any day of the week for as looooooong as you want, baby. >D
SUnny: I hate chu~
Chunderful: I hope to have your babies, too~
SUnny: Anyway, Yunho wants to have hot, sizzling smex with Jaejoong and we have to help. So. About the 2nd floor bathroom...
Chunderful: Wait. Yunho only wants Jaejoong for sex? I'm not giving up my best friend for a horndog.
SUnny: I thought I was your bestestest friend. D:
Chunderful: You are! Bestestestest! Jaejoong is my best.
SUnny: o.o You put an extra 'est' in there.
Chunderful: Oh....is that even possible...?
SUnny: I don't....know....o.o....
Chunderful: ....Let's try it.
SUnny: Okay!
SUnny: Bestestestest friend!
Chunderful: Nope. It's weird.
SUnny: Definitely. So about Yunho
Chunderful: NO to the horndog
SUnny: But Yunho's not a corndog.
Chunderful: .....
SUnny: *horndog
SUnny: He really likes Jaejoong. Like all the way down to the heart and soul and stuff.
Chunderful: And his mind....?
SUnny: Yeah yeah! Didn't I say that? All the way down to his heart, mind and soul and stuff.
SUnny: So has Jaejoong said anything about Yunho? Huh? Huh? :D
Chunderful: I dunno.
SUnny: T.T
Chunderful: What? He's hard to read, ya know.
SUnny: No. I don't know. I've never met him. >:[
Chunderful: PFFFT! I've never even SEEN Yunho. Don't use that tone of typing with meh!
SUnny: You HAVE seen him, slacker!
Chunderful: Gasp-eth. Slakcer? Who's the one that sucks in math....Boy-Who-Sucks-In-Math.....?
SUnny: F
Chunderful: *Slacker
SUnny: A
SUnny: I
Chunderful: I get it -.-
SUnny: L
SUnny: >:D
Chunderful: Yeah, well you're butt is big
SUnny: Awww, thanks~<3 Your forehead's pretty luscious, too
Chunderful: No, your butt is HUGE. Like BUBBLY and stuff. Like MASSIVE.
SUnny: Awwww~ So's your forehead~
Chunderful: My forehead can't be BUBBLY.
Chunderful: No, really. Even your brother says so.
Chunderful: o.o What? You hate him now?
SUnny: Yes! D:< Ever since he tricked mom into calling me stupid. Gah! Changmin is on probation right now.
Chunderful: He got in trouble?
SUnny: No, he's on probation from having any kind of contact with me. Period. Hmph.
Chunderful: Oooooh. I'm sure it stings him down to the very core.
SUnny: I knowz.
Chunderful: ...
Chunderful: So how'd your mom 'accidentally' call you stupid...?
SUnny: ...
SUnny: ANYWAY! About Yunho. We're helping him. That's that.
Chunderful: Agggggghhhh. What if I don't wanna?
SUnny: This will be perfect! It's your job to keep Yunho on Jaejoong's mind from now on, okiez? And remember.....Yunho is our CLASS PREZ. =.=
Chunderful: I don't have a choice in this, do I?
SUnny: And it's my job to keep Yunho in the right place at the right time and say all the right things. Okay?
Chunderful: ...What do you know about the 'right things' to say?
SUnny: ...I know.
Chunderful: PUAAHAHAH! Look, just leave the flirting lessons to me.
SUnny: I can flirt!
Chunderful: Do it!
SUnny: No!
Chunderful: Hyukjae doesn't count. He only likes you for your butt so he doesn't care what fail!flirting comes out of your mouth
SUnny: I've been with more than--
SUnny: I mean, I'm good at flirting! And Hyukjae likes it!
Chunderful: He likes your BOOTAY.
SUnny: So? Everyone likes my butt. My mom likes my butt but that wouldn't keep all my smexy flirting skills from working on her. Ha!
Chunderful: ....Dude....
SUnny: 0_0 My bad......can I.....can I erase that.....?
Chunderful: Nope. It's imprinted in cyber space FOREVAH.
SUnny: I'm sorry, Mom! >_<
Chunderful: Don't worry, Su. I'm sure she won't hate you for loving her TOO much. Kekeke
SUnny: SHUT UP! D8<
Chunderful: Shutting up~
Chunderful: So what's your Jaeho plan?
SUnny: My what?
Chunderful: Jaeho. Jaejoong/Yunho. What's your plan?
SUnny: Hmmmm...I was thinking kinda more Yunjae.... Yunnie would be on top, right? He's pretty manly.
Chunderful: Pushaw! Jaejoong is manlier than his face looks. And the awesome way he cooks. And his sensitivity. And his amazing eye for color. And his millions of older sisters. And...
SUnny: .....Where were you going with this....?
Chunderful: SHUT UP!
SUnny: You j
SUnny: Crap! Teacher's coming back and I am NOT going to fake researching hookworms again. x.x See you in history.
Chunderful: Eh.
SUnny: Don't 'eh' me. BYE!
Chunderful: I still don't believe you
SUnny: CRAP. What are you talking about Yoochun??? She's coming!!!
Chunderful: Flirting. Flirt with me and I'll tell you whether you've got any game
SUnny: I've got plenty of game that I don't want to show you right now!!
Chunderful: Now. Or I'm showing this to the librarian.
SUnny: You idiot! You'll get in trouble with
SUnny: Whatever. Ready?
Chunderful: Ready
SUnny: Wait. Sexy flirting or just fun flirting?
Chunderful YES to teh SMEXAY FLIRTING! >8D
SUnny: Agh...
SUnny: ...
SUnny: "Spread your wings for me and I'll show you new heights. Spread your legs for me and I'll give you a new high."
*** SUnny has signed out
Chunderful: ...Pretty good.
***Chunderful has signed out
Chapter 3--------------------------------
;D Comments are loved<3
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