[Part 15] Poor Chun. T.T
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-The business trip was fun! What did you do while I was gone? -Su
-You’re a bad boy. -JJ
-Chunface, there’s a new restaurant on Broad Street. Want to go? I’ll pay if you buy me a present later. -Su
-I don’t care about your money, YC. Just show me a good time. -JJ
-Whoa. I saw a bunny in the window of a pet store. It reminded me of you. <3 -Su
-No one else I know does it like you. -JJ
-Chunnie! I miss Yoo~ Text me back during your break. -Su
-Yoochun, I coming over again tonight. Will he be gone by 12? -JJ
-You seem tired lately. Is work wearing you out? I know you love journalism, but you should relax more. -Su
-You seemed tired last night. Am I wearing you out? -JJ
-You didn’t text me back yesterday. What happened, Chun? -Su
-Why are all your texts to me only one word answers? -JJ
-I love you, too. -Su
-Do you love me? -JJ
-I love you, too -Su
-Yoochun? -JJ
-Lol. Why do you keep texting me that, Chunnie? How many times do I have to text back I LOVE YOU?! -Su
-So, I take it you don’t want me over tonight? -JJ
-Oh where, oh where did Yoo go?? -Su
-That’s more like it. I’ll be over in an hour. Don’t forget the lube this time. -JJ
Once again.....check out Epik High's new CD....>.> [e].....Amazingness
No one is paying me to promote them like this 8D
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