[Page 34 - Yoochun] Yeah, I got tired of the angst in the middle of a crack fic. ^w^ Everyone, the dong bang house vs. Jaejoong arc is OVER! (Okay, they still kinda won't talk to each other....hey! It's awkward, right? But at least there's no more Jae-pranks. ^_^ We'll just see how everything plays out while they go on that trip Yunho was talking about...) Oh! And in case you're all wondering...YES. Yoochun is an idiot. xDDD
Dear Diary,
Today is going to be wonderful!!!
Yunho said we’re going somewhere, but I don’t remember where. I wasn’t listening. Junsu was laughing at something Eunhyuk said over his cell phone. Hey, how’d he even find that? The lights are still out. Oh, well. My Su is amaaaaaazing~
Yesterday was a little weird. Jaejoong throwing stuff and…stuff. I don’t see why that was necessary.
But whatever! As long as I get my Su~
Hey, I think I’ll write a song for him.
Su, su, su, Junsu.
Where are you?
You’re butt’s so cute and huge, now.
Come on little Su
I need you
To take my giant Yoo, now.
Wait. Why does that song sound suspiciously like a perverted version of the Scooby Doo theme?
Oh, well.
I still don’t know why everyone is moping around right now. What did Yunho tell us to do earlier? “Collect everything of worth you can carry with you before we go?”
Ah, whatever. I’ve got Junsu, so it doesn’t matter. Ah! What a beautiful morning! So nice and dewy from last night’s rain~
I can’t even remember why Jaejoong flipped out yesterday. I just know I was trying to impress Junsu and did…something. Hmmm…something to do with food in the kitchen…
Anyway, who cares now? I’m pretty much over the whole thing by now. I’ve had enough of Yunho screaming at me. I’m going on a road trip with myyyyy Suuuuu.
Oh, looks like he’s putting some clothes in a duffel bag. Wonder how he got those. It’s kinda difficult to get into our rooms what with all that water on the floor. Eh, I won’t bother getting my own clothes. Maybe Susu will let me wear his.
Oh, I’m even more excited about our road trip!
Where ever we’re going.
What’s up with everyone else? They all look so down. It’s probably because they don’t have a boyfriend as wonderful as my Su to make them feel all warm inside.
Hmm…I do feel a bit toasty. Maybe I should take my shirt off.
No, keep it on.
No, off.
No, on.
No, off.
I’ll keep it on. I never work out with Yunho and Changmin and I don’t want to flaunt my lack of build to my Junsu. I only do that in my bedroom when it’s dark and his eyes are shut tight with ecstasy and he’s licking those luscious lips of his and our sweat is mingling together and we’re both moaning so much, we can’t tell who’s making the most noise.
Man, I shouldn’t have written that. Now I’ve a big…bigger…growing problem in my pants.
Ah, what to do??
Changmin is gonna fuss at me if he sees that I’m busy getting excited while everyone else is working to pack. I don’t need his patronizing voice right now. I need Junsu’s butt to invade.
Wait, wait. I can fix this on my own. Just need to sneak into the bathroom-
Darn! Jaejoong went in there!
Okay, I just need to slip into the kitchen-
Darn! Yunho went in there!
Why is everyone moving around so much? And Changmin is right in front of me, so I can’t…relieve myself right now. Where is Junsu? I just need to take him into the hallway closet for a moment and…
I’m not helping myself by imagining all the things I want to do to my Su.
Think of weird thoughts.
Okay. Grandma in the shower.
Ahh! That’s just plain scary!
Okay, ummm…crying puppies. That’s right. Crying puppies with fluffy fur and big brown eyes…
…Big brown eyes like Junsu’s that I just want to make pour tears of happiness as he shouts, “AGH! YES, YOOCHUN!”
Why am I such a pervert? I knew this was going to backfire on me one day… Oh, I’ve got to backfire somewhere right now or I’m going to split in half.
Maybe if I just rub on the couch a little bit…
Oh, that’s sexy. Next thing I’ll want to do is re-shingle the roof for the lusty high.
Hey, that might work.
If I just do something totally unsexy I’ll get turned off.
Gotta watch out for Changmin…wait til his back is turned…wait for it…wait..for…it…
Hmmm…that must have been sexier than I thought it was going to be. Now I’ve got to change my pants.
Crap! Changmin is looking at me!
Don’t worry about me. Just keep working. Don’t look at me…
Crap! He’s asking me why I’m still sitting here!
Crap! He’s getting irritated and telling me to go pack!
Crap, crap! He’s demanding to know why I keep scribbling in my diary instead of responding back to him!
Triple crap! He’s tugging at my leg that I’ve got perfectly covered by my arm! Stop it!!!
Phew. He left.
Glad that’s over. Guess it’s time to somehow sneak back into my room, water-logged and all to snag a new pair of pants. Can’t forget my flip flops!
Su, su, su, Junsu.
Where are you?
He would magically reappear while I’m all exposed so he can see my love stains.
My LONELY love stains.
How embarrassing. His face is all red now.
There’s Jaejoong coming out of the bathroom.
What’s his problem? He won’t even look me in the eye? Oh, well. Must be the love stains.
Come on little Su
I need you.
There he is!!!! I was wondering where he disappeared to.
Whoops. Gotta change my clothes before I greet himoweknfd
Do you know how hard it is to walk and write at the same time?! It hurts! Especially when the stupid wall jumps out in front of you!
Ugh. I need a nap.
And Junsu.
Hope everyone gets finished packing soon, cause as soon as I change my pants, I’m getting in the car and going to sleep.
Su, su, su Junsu.
~Happy Chunface
Turn the page~
Page 33 - Changmin ||
Page 35 - Junsu