Nov 27, 2005 11:41
hey cool listen
so once apon a time this girl katie went to go get tested for ADD leaves with anti-depresent pills haha what
aright moral of the story i feel silly right now so im gunna write a little story...
today im supposed to go sledding with so many different ppl ann han karen chay kar nick liz? hah yummmy
one mroe weekend till canada with my brent baby and only like 2 weeks till florida with ann:-D
mmm talking to brent right now n im so happy...
lifes pretty good right now... love basically everything and anything... except for the select downer days... we all know what causes those but im FINALY able to look past it...
this break is all one big blur so far? but its ok i like it kinda.. its a happy blur...
got to talk to chay liz AND kar last night... im on a roll i miss those three sooooooooooooooooooo much... cant wait to see them today....
mmm so much love