We had a cookout on Sunday. At the end I told Stephen, "Well that was fun; let's never do that again." It was like the weddings I always hear about, where the bride and groom (hosts) spend the whole time running around and tending to guests and don't get to enjoy any of it.
In fairness, I did have a few good moments, and some good help. My husband did a great job as chef and a terrible job as father and husband. But we made it through, with minimal damage. Damage included:
* broken toilet paper holder (why couldn't someone have broken the crap brass one from the downstairs bathroom instead of the new one from the upstairs bathroom? Sigh).
* broken train game on sunporch
* broken kids wagon
* nasty note from nasty neighbors (we thought they were away so weren't as good as usual about making sure nobody parked in their driveway. When someone did, instead of coming over like a human and asking us to move the car, they left this passive aggressive "NEXT TIME PARK ON THE STREET" note on a friend's car. Though several friends suggested all sorts of nasty shitty neighbor retaliation, we opted to go next door and apologize in person and say that we will be more careful and please don't hesitate to come over or call if ever something like this happens again. Because we aren't passive aggressive assholes. This approach seemed to thoroughly rattle them.
* rear view mirror on Mini. Luckily it was kids mini, but still, a little sad.
* iPhone charge cord missing. Really stinks as Stephen is away for several days so we can't share a cord and will have to buy another one which we can't really afford.
Stephen was bummed that of all the stuff that went wrong, no one said a thing to us. I said it was probably some kid who was embarrassed or didn't know what to say or raised by wolves and to not worry about it. It is, as they say, what it is.
I ate up yesterday and today in prep for tomorrow, when I start my
Whole 30. I don't believe these don't eat foods are bad. I believe in moderation though I know I suck at it. I am ready for a change in how I feel and am willing to give this a try. I like their approach and tone (less the assumption that gluten is BAD because we are not a nation if Celiacs no matter how cool it is and even the dude who started this gluten is the enemy (Dr. Peter Gibson) just did a study that said oops no sorry, got it wrong. Wasn't gluten. Was indigestible sugars. I'm sure now! Really! Positive...I think!) so I'm trying it. We shall see.
Off to go have one last fling with sugar.