Growing up

Jan 02, 2014 21:38

Every now and again it comes home to me that YoungBloke is growing up*. This afternoon, after YB finally completed his holiday homework, we decided to go and see The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug 3D. He can cope with a very long film (although still needs a reminder to go to the loo first), enjoys live action as well as animation, and follows story lines better, too. In addition, walking out of Pizza Hut, it became clear that he is about to grow out his trousers again and I only bought them over the summer. This is a child who, until recently, has been able to keep a pair of trousers for 12 months and tops for a couple of years! Shopping beckons, I fear. His face is changing too, from baby to youth.

*Though not, as yet, maturing: tonight he had a total meltdown because while he was able to stay up till 9 I said he couldn't stay up downstairs with us. He can stay up as late as he likes in his own room, but 9pm is our time. Half an hour on and he's still shouting "I hate you" at intervals.

via ljapp, youngbloke

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