
Jul 23, 2003 14:45

This is not a whinge!

I had to walk into town for a meeting this morning. The office I was heading for is less than 20 minutes away but it took me over 25.

Walking too fast gives me Braxton Hicks contractions. Then Davsay had a good go at kicking my stomach till I got a bit of heartburn. Then Davsay had a bounce on my bladder and sat on my bowel. And finally, to really slow me down, Davsay found my cervix and gave that a bit of a punch.

On top of that, I got sciatica in my left pelvis.

And I weighed myself at the pool this morning. Last week, 10st 6. This week, 10st 8. Where? Where have I managed to put 2lbs? I fully expect to see the far side of 11st and possibly even the near side of 12st at this rate! And I'm enjoying it!

The other meeting attendees still told me I was looking really good. And I reckon I'm not looking bad, and I don't feel bad either, and that's why the above wasn't a whinge, just a "this is how it is today".

pregnancy, swimming

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