
Mar 06, 2006 04:12

I've been studying, in case you're wondering.
Of particular note is my Humanistic Psychology class. I would certainly consider it to be the most abstract of my current coarse load, although I find it to be the one I consider most intuitive. I could cite a whole slew of possible reasons for this although I think it might have to do with the fact that I have had relatively regular interaction with individuals who consider psychology their profession. The majority of my interaction with these people has been in a professional setting during my developmental stages, myself being the client or "patient".
As cynical as the word choice seems, I am not bitter about anything regarding psychology or the people who practice it as their profession. I respect it a great deal. I'm just trying to provide a little background here.
The depth and variety in the way human beings communicate is something I find profound. In humanistic psychology, verbal communication is grouped into two specific groups.
The first of which is Strategic speaking. This is, in essence, telling people what they want to hear. Communication that abides by social laws and roles. This is the way people speak when they're applying for a job or are being examined by a doctor or even *shiver* on a first date.
The other category of verbal communication is the Authentic. This is the kind of communication one experiances when speaking with a close friend or loved one. It is an emerging behavior, one that usually comes about when one is in a close relationship or is (OMG) inebriated. Crazy, ya?
The funny thing about this whole system of the duality of conversation is that we do, quite often, implement the Strategic approach when conversing with family or close friends. The line blurs. On the one hand this may be no more insidous than telling Mom that you're going to help "Josh" jump start his car on the side of the road when in fact you're going out to toilet paper someone's house. On the other hand, this can go as far as telling your wife that you're working late when, in fact, you're at a sleezy motel with your secretary.
Honestly, I don't know why I went months and months without updating just to throw this crap up. But, at the moment, it has consumed my mind and my being. I feel like people need to know it, even if they already do on some level. It's incredibly simple but it has huge implications.
I believe that social discomfort comes from exactly this dynamic. Suppose one is unaware of the intentions or integrity of whoever they're speaking with. This causes withdrawal. Just like a turtle who sees a big ol' squirrel run by his field of vision. He doesn't know wtf that thing was so hiding seems like the best idea. And hey, I give that turtle credit. It works out pretty damn well. It is very likely that turtle will live a long time. The sad fact about that is that the turtle will also miss a lot of the world he's been thrown into. I mean damn yo, what if that squirrel wanted to chat? WHAT IF?!
Sometimes it's hard to differentiate between the strategic and the authentic. It's a big crazy game that we all play without giving it second thought. I mean, strategic communication isn't necessarily bad, it could land you a great job mayhaps. Authentic communication is feeling. Emotion and stuff. Sharing feelings and all that touchy feely stuff. I think it's great. I love it. I prefer speaking with people who reciprocate that. Sometimes I feel like those conversations are all that matters. Sometimes I'm certain of that.
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