Oct 29, 2014 20:06
Today was the midtern in my History of Animation class. It went...OK. I didn't really study for it, because we have no textbook and I have very few notes, but the teacher grades on a very generous curve so I probably ended up with an A even though I missed a bunch of questions.
After the exam, he told us the answers. "Why leave you wondering for a whole week?" he said. Nice guy. Then, because it's only a few days 'til Halloween, he showed us a bunch of macabre cartoons from around the world. They ranged from bizarre (a Japanese cartoon about a man who has a plant growing out of his head) to freaky (a strange short about a man tormented by a harpy) but it was a fun way to spend the afternoon.
Now to study. There's another midterm tomorrow, this time in the History of Film Post-WWII class.