And what I really feel about V-Day

Feb 12, 2009 18:46

Ms Robinson wrote:

What is baffling at times, is how women - not young, impressionable women, but older women who've lived and loved more than a few times - turn into little girls at the mention of February 14th...

Actually it's not baffling, it's plain sad that we have to look outside our relationships, outside the moments that only exist between two people, for verification of how we are doing in the world.

Romance isn't just celebrating a Hallmark created occassion with 20,000 other couples (especially local Hongkies - shudder) being hurried out (there are usually 2 dinner sittings) in a below par restuarant (service and food) despite paying very good money for it. It is when he brings you flowers from the supermarket one morning after sending his brother off to the airport.


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