Sep 02, 2009 12:56

Apparently President Obama has decided to address the nation's schoolchildren.

President Obama announced that on September 8 - the first day of school for many children across America - he will deliver a national address directly to students on the importance of education. The President will challenge students to work hard, set educational goals, ( Read more... )

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Re: Please Please don't take this as offensive it is not meant to be! jynnan_tonnyx September 8 2009, 17:35:36 UTC
"But you are right, there never will be open dialog that will make any sense as long as people feel like they have to lie and use scare tactics. I never suggested that they were right, I was just suggesting that we should all try to keep an open mind."

Agreed. But I think an open mind is wasted on people who have no solid ideas or information to feed that mind.

"And just for the record I never said that. Those are words that you are putting in my mouth."

I understand that (as I hope you now understood I never said that anyone who disagreed with me was wrong, or did not have the right to speak their mind). My point was that vague fears and name-dropping used in lieu of actual facts or arguments are no better than, and ultimately not substantially different than, the sort of hysteria that rules politics in America today. But I may have overstepped the boundaries of good taste, and I apologize if I upset you.

"I just wanted to say lets look at everything and make our own opinions. I am sure there are truths to both sides. "

I would maintain that gathering facts is more important, in these matters, than forming opinions (and that the popular preference for the latter over the former has lead to the deterioration of the nation's political dialog). But your point is taken.

"P.S. I am one of those homos you talk about and have been judged extremely harsh, but I learned to let it roll off my back and know in my heart that those people don't know me and they are the ones missing out on knowing a great person."

Good for you. I myself have no objection to anyone holding a personal opinion of me or any other individual or group; this country is built on differing opinions and philosophies, and our right to hold them. But I object, as I always have, to those who attempt to enshrine those opinions and/or prejudices in law (and I would hope you do as well).


Re: Please Please don't take this as offensive it is not meant to be! jynnan_tonnyx September 8 2009, 18:28:29 UTC
You and I sir, through a completely open and honest conversation have come to an agreement.

I totally, one hundred percent, agree.

I do have solid ideas on how things should be done but I know they won't work for everyone so I don't try to push them, but we have just proved that maybe my ideas aren't bad ones.

You have single handedly given me hope that good honest conversation can bring people with differing opinions together.

Laws should not be determined, for a democracy, by single minded bigoted morons. Thank you for your eloquence. I hope I didn't offend you and you certainly didn't offend me in anyway, you spoke how you felt as did I and neither one of us resorted to name calling. I am really glad we discussed this and didn't come to blows as so many do. We found a common ground while maybe not totally agreeing on the whole.

And if you don't mind I would like to continue to read your journal, as I find so much of what you say to be truthful and in this day and age that is hard to find.

My close friends say that I am a "republican" with "democrat" ideas. They rag on me a lot about being republican (cause whoever heard of a gay republican right) but I do believe in the capitalist system with some good strong democratic "seasonings". :)


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