16th Monthsary and Counting

May 08, 2015 00:14

Some people feel that monthsaries should not even be celebrated because they seem to be milestones that are set too closely together. Why celebrate something so short - like a month of relationship? Why breakdown relationships into months? It makes more sense to celebrate anniversaries because they mirror longer relationships. I disagree though.

I think everyday spent with your partner is a celebration - a celebration of love, life, hope. Monthly celebrations though are enough for me - it reminds my partner and I of our committment to each other, not to mention, it gives us an excuse to take a break from work and simply enjoy each other's company over movies and dinner.

Our 16th Monthsary Celebration.
For our 16th monthsary, my ever sweet Choi decided to surprise me by bringing flowers and leaving it on my bed. Unfortunately, my distrustful nature spoiled his surprise. I demanded on knowing why he left the house late at night, and where he was going. He had no choice but to disclose his "secret" to me, lest I decide to break up with him. Eitherway though, he still pushed with his initial plan - dropped by Danghwa to buy a bouquet of 3 beautiful pink roses and 2 bright yellow tulips. In addition to that, he got me these adorable animal-faced siopao from Chow King (2 pigs and 1 panda). He also stopped at Ministop to buy Domo and Eloise chicken strips to eat. At around 10PM last night, May 6 (the night before our 16th monthsary), he arrived at my house bringing all his "surprise" gifts and showered me with his love. I feel so blessed to have such a man love me.

"Beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl" ~Choi

Panda and Piggy Siopao bought from Chow King
The surprise gifts were just the beginning. On the day of our monthsary, aside from the numerous times we expressed our love for each other, we also decided to leave the restaurant for a while to catch a movie. We went to Eastwood and immediately bought tickets for Big Game, the recent action/comedy film starring Samuel L. Jackson. It was surprisingly very entertaining. Choi and I were laughing every once in a while. This is my kind of movie - relaxing and fun. Choi bought popcorn and nachos for us to munch during the movie.

We had to separate for a while after our movie date since he had some things to take care of (ie. new car concerns). We later on reunited for a quick dinner at the new restaurant right outside our subdivision. I forgot to ge the name of the place but the food was decent, and good enough for the price. I had bangusilog and mango shake, while Choi ordered cream of mushroom soup, chicken barbecue, and striploin something. We brought our baby Domo along for dinner.

Choi brought me home soon after. We kissed and hug for a while before finally parting. And that was about it. A day full of love. <3

On Trust
The way I instantly distrusted him the previous night made me feel so guilty. That's not how love works. Love entails trusting the other person - trusting that they will not hurt you. My experience with my parents may have been the reason behind my distrust, but eitherway I refuse to just make an excuse. This trust issue is something I need to work on. Choi does not deserve my distrust. He deserves to be loved and trusted, no matter what his past may have been like.

I love him. That's all that matters. And loving means trusting.

celebration, flower, love, choi

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