"you hold me like you should..."

May 13, 2005 10:06

this morning i woke up at 2:59. i was freezing. (and i woke up from a nightmare). i was shivering, i was so cold. i evenutally got up and put on my big CNU sweatpants on over the sweatpants i already had on, and a sweatshirt over the t shirt i was wearing. i had already been buried under my usual 4 blankets (one of which is an electric blanket...), but i was still freezing.

so i was lying there, awake, for about an hour i guess, when i heard this really loud crashing sound, and a minute later, my dad yelling "hey!", sounding as if he was at our front door or outside. then i heard my mom's voice talking to someone. i decided there was no way i'd be able to sleep if i didn't know what happened, so i got up and saw my mom talking on the phone. i listened and figured out she was talking to the police.

my dad was outside with a flashlight out in the front of the house up near the fence (for those who've never been to be house: my neighborhood is a little quiet neighborhood with lots of trees. we have a nice front yard with a little patch of trees before you get to the road, and a fence there. on the other side of the fence is a gravel area, where i park my car, and our mailbox is out there). so anyway, my mom covered the phone wih her hand and said, "we think someone may have hit your car. we don't know. your dad is checking for damage." i figured now there was really no way i was going to sleep so i sat down in the kitchen (still freezing), and waited while my mom and dad talked through the front door, the police on the other end of the phone asking my mom questions (a description of the person- he took off down the street when my dad yelled) and what happened and the damage.

took a few minutes, but my dad figured out that they missed my car but went through our fence and ran into a tree (maybe multiple trees, i don't know). the scary (but good) thing- they missed my car by a barely 2 feet. had my car been parked a little more back than it was, it would've been smashed on the side. i have a little parking sign that my parents got me for my birthday that says "Sara's parking only" and we had first put it up in the middle of the fence- where the car smashed. we moved it though so my neighbors could have room to park behind my car if they had a guest or something. if we hadn't moved it, so that i would park further up, i would have a very beat up car right now.

i tried to go back to sleep but my mom was worried because i had told her i was freezing. she took my temperature and it was 99.something, a slight fever, so she gave me advil and suddafed. i tried to go back to sleep but then i was burning up. and i was until about 30 minutes ago. you all know how cold i usually am; well, it was 53 degrees this morning when i left for school, and i drove there with the windows down and i was still hot. weird, huh. i must have gotten over the fever now though 'cause i'm fine. not freezing but not burning up. but that was ew.

so that was my exciting morning. i only got another 30 minutes of sleep because i was so hot i couldn't sleep. but i'm feeling ok now...the doctor called about my blood test yesterday evening. they were checking for anemia i guess, it came back negative, which is good, but that also means they don't know what's wrong, why i keep getting dizzy. but they said my white blood cell count was low, so i may be getting a virus or something. joy.

prom tonight. =-D i came home after 2nd 'cause i have a bazillion things to do. gonna finish the shirts now for the senior handbell trio. then a bunch of other stuff. i'll put pics up later of prom.

oh, my dad sent the pics of the damage to some friends and this is what he said: "Late last night, a car crashed through my fence and landed in my front yard. Thankfully, I have some big trees and the big one in the picture stopped him, but the smaller pine tree wasn't so lucky. The fenceposts are sunk in concrete but the car broken them off. The guy was drunk. He ran when I went out there. The cops tracked him to a house up the street but they couldn't get in without a search warrant. Not sure what is going to happen to him. I'm just very thankful he missed my daughter's car by about 2 feet. Everything else can be fixed easily."

^my car is the one on the left

^ that pine tree got knocked down.

crazy, huh?

edit: ack! patricia your dad mentioned our senior trio as one of the highlights of the concert in his e-mail to like, the whole church! eeeek!!! LOL. "Our annual Spring Handbell Concert and Reception will take place at 7:00 p.m. this Sunday, May 15. Highlights of the concert include a grand procession, sixth-grade ensemble and a high school seniors trio."

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