So just a little while ago I started to feel....normal.
Now that doesn't mean I've gone crazy (I still am rather crazy), just that for a few brief moments, I feel like myself, like I have control over the entirety of my being. Its not a zen thing, I know that feeling (its a good one), its more of a, "My life is my own again." For those who aren't close to me (and even if you are), there have been parts of my past that have been haunting me, and I keep trying to wake up but can't. Well, I dunno if this is a lull in the storm, or perhaps I might be able to get that feeling of normal back once again.
Of course, this does nothing to solve my current living situation and need of a "real" job, but hey, its a start! :D
On the job front, I heard back from one of the two places I applied at. It was the one I had at the top of my list, and its a no go. I don't feel bad about this actually, I can't say why but it doesn't bother me. The attitude is, "ya win some ya lose some." This is very heartening to me as I feel I can begin to deal w/job rejection a bit better. Sadly, this leaves one more opportunity to get a day job. I'm not actively looking for a job because I want to build up some job history, so if I don't get this one I'm still going to have a long haul on the night shift, but oh well, I'll get there sooner or later :)