Oct 28, 2009 12:28
If you do a google search for "things to do if you are depressed", the first link that comes up is a list of the top five things one should do when one is depressed (according to some "expert"), the first two of which are:
1. Stop your negative thoughts. If you have a problem stopping obsessive thinking, get an eye patch and patch your right eye. Patching your right eye will shut down the left hemisphere of your brain and the negative, obsessive thinking. It is better than a glass of wine!
2. Zip-up your central meridian. Your central meridian is the energy pathway that runs from your pubic bone to your bottom lip. It can act like a radio receiver if it is not zipped up, picking up negative energies and vibes of others around you. Zip it up by imagining zipping up a zipper that runs up this pathway.
That is all.