Dreams vs Reality

Dec 18, 2008 08:45

i've had my eye set on a beautiful little store in bloor west for the past year. one day, driving through the town i noticed a "for lease" sign up and my heart almost jumped right out of my chest. it was the perfect location for me to grow my design business and it was so close to so many of my suppliers! however...

i've been working for a firm now for over a year doing my design work on the side from home. i originally signed on for a 4 month contract position to help a friend out thinking i would keep true to my passion for design, but somewhere a long the way i lost my passion, lost myself when i couldn't pass up a great deal the firm was providing me with a very generous full time package. slowly my design work took a back seat in my life and eventually, i lost sight of the big picture and now i'm exactly where i didn't want to be, back at square one with design as a second thought hobby, frustrated, hating my job but with money in my pockets.

this sparked an intense conversation between edward and i.

do stick with a job you don't like for cash, or do you put your dreams on the line and go for something that may not bring in as much cash but it's definitely something you love?

i'm in limbo.
the economy is very shaky right now and my investor is having a few second thoughts. we were originally going to relaunch my business and have me really buckle down on it in 09 but with everything being so uncertain at this moment we've decided to take a few more months to evaluate the economy and what we want to focus on in the market. this time however is leading me down a path of nagging questions and concerns.
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